Compiled By HHA Member Lauri Arruda
Revolutionary War
Volume IV page 138 – Narragansett Historical Register.
To the Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register,
Dear Sir: Thinking your readers would be interested in knowing who were the patriots of Hopkinton during the struggle for independence, we have thought best to send you the following list which we believe comprises the brain and best portion of our citizens at this time, together with the document to which they had affixed their ever to be remembered names.
Edwin R. Allen – Hopkinton Town Clerk
Hopkinton, September 19, 1776
I, the subscriber do solemnly and sincerely declare, that I believe, The War, Resistance and Opposition in which the United American Colonies are Engaged, against the Fleets and Armies of Great Britain, is: on the part of the said colonies, Just: and necessary: and that I will not directly or indirectly afford assistance of any sort or kind whatever to the said Fleets and Armies during the continuance of the present war, but that I will heartily assist in the defense of the United Colonies.
- Gideon Allen
- Hezekiah Babcock
- Hezekiah Babcock Sr.
- Rouse Babcock
- Samuel Babcock
- Simeon Babcock
- Joseph Barber
- Moses Barber
- Peleg Barber
- Thomas Barber
- William Bassett
- James Bramen
- John Bramen
- John Brown
- Abel Burdick
- Elnathan Burdick
- Hubbard Burdick
- Jesse Burdick
- Nathan Burdick
- Nathaniel Burdick
- Parker Burdick
- Paul Burdick
- Robert Burdick
- Rufus Burdick
- Stephen R. Burdick
- Waite Burdick
- William Burdick Jr.
- Zeccheus Burdick
- Billings Burtch
- Amos Button
- Cyrus Button
- Samuel Button Jr.
- Hezekiah Carpenter
- Bryant Cartwright
- Bryant Cartwright Jr.
- Jeffrey Champlin
- Samuel Champlin
- Caleb Church
- Henry Clarke
- Joshua Clarke
- Joseph Cole Jr.
- Benjamin Colegrove
- Joshua Collins
- Amos Coon
- Daniel Coon
- David Coon
- Elias Coon
- Elisha Coon
- John Coon
- Jonathan Coon
- Joshua Coon
- Ross Coon
- William Coon
- William Coon Jr.
- John Cottrell
- Thomas Cottrell
- Elijah Crandall
- Joseph Crandall
- Stephen Crandall
- David Davis
- David Davis Jr.
- Oliver Davis
- Asa Eaglestone
- Phineas Edwards
- Henry Foster
- James Fry
- Thomas Potter Gardiner
- William Green
- Jacob Hall
- John Hall Jr.
- Moses Hall
- Ebenezer Hill
- Joshua Hill
- Samuel Hill
- Benjamin Kenyon
- James Kenyon
- Nathaniel Kenyon
- Peter Kenyon
- Peter Kenyon Jr.
- Amos Langworthy
- Joseph Langworthy
- Samuel Langworthy
- John Larkin
- Timothy Larkin
- Eleazer Lewis
- Samuel Lewis
- Josias Lillibridge
- John Marshall
- Amos Maxson
- Benjamin Maxson
- Clarke Maxson
- Isaiah Maxson
- Jesse Maxson
- John Maxson
- John Maxson Jr.
- Joseph Maxson
- Matthew Maxson
- Peleg Maxson
- Phineas Maxson
- Stephen Maxson
- Sylvanus Maxson
- John Millard
- Asa Miner
- William Needham
- Ichabod Paddock
- Amos Palmer Jr.
- Fones Palmer
- John Palmer
- Lawton Palmer
- Nathan Palmiter
- Daniel Peckham Jr.
- William Popple
- Caleb Potter
- Stephen Potter
- Benjamin Randall
- Matthew Randall
- John Randall
- Benjamin Rathbun
- Clarke Reynolds
- Samuel Reynolds
- Zaccheus Reynolds Jr.
- Francis Robinson
- John Robinson Jr.
- Jonathan Rogers
- Uriah Saunders
- John Satterly
- Israel Stiles
- Elisha Stillman
- Zebbeus Sweet
- Abel Tanner
- Francis Tanner
- Nathan Tanner
- William Tanner
- William Tanner Jr.
- George Thurston
- George Thurston Jr.
- Joseph Thurston
- William Thurston
- John Vellett
- Barker Wells
- Edward Wells
- Elisha Wells
- Elnathan Wells
- Henry Wells
- James Wells Jr.
- Jonathan Wells Jr.
- Joshua Wells Jr.
- Peter Wells
- Thomas Wells
- Thomas Wells Jr.
- Thompson Wells
- Francis West
- Jonathan West
- Thomas West
- William White
- Joseph Witter
- Joseph Witter Jr.
- Josiah Witter
- Samuel Witter
- William Witter