Below are probate records for the Town of Hopkinton for the years 1757 – 1850, with the last names beginning A-B.
See also probate records A-B • C-H • I-R • S-Z
ALLEN, Gideon TC 4:110 , It has been presented to the Council that Gideon Allen is non-composmentis, or in other words, his faculties and abilities being indisposed and it is thought he should be under guardianship. Captain William Tanner appointed guardian.
ALLEN, Green – PR 9:265, 16 February 1858 Administration
Of North Stonington, CT. owns land in Hopkinton. Administrator Jesse Brown
ALLEN, Hannah PR 3:3 Inventory, 15 August 1791
Christopher Foster – Administrator. Appraisers; Samuel Champlin & Josiah Witter.
Receipts PR 4:160, 3 April 1809, PR 4:206, 3 June 1811, received $7.90 signed
Joseph and Cinthe (Cynthia) Bramen. TC 3:4, 11 August 1791, Whereas complaint is made to this Council by sundry persons as creditors to the estate, that said estate in their opinions is in danger of embezzlement, there being no person qualified agreeable to Law, to administer said estate. Wherefore agreeable to request, it is Voted that Gen. George Thurston have a letter of Administration on said estate, his giving bond. TC 3:4, 12 August 1791, Christopher Foster is named Administrator and Gen. George Thurston’s Administration be null and void.
ALLEN, Perseval TC 2:306, Whereas Perseval Allen of Hopkinton, a very ancient person, is possessed with considerable estate lying in Hopkinton and whereas complaint hath been made the estate is very much impaired and there is no person on the premises to conduct business to advantage. Whereby Mr. Allen is not comfortably supported with the necessities of life. It is voted that Christopher Foster be named his Guardian.
ALLIN, Peter – TC 2:119, 1 September 1783. Peter Allin, Alias Barber, son of Amie Barber, deceased, chose Joseph Witter Jr. to be his Guardian. TC 3:3, 4 July 1791, Whereas, Joseph Witter Jr. Guardian to Peter Allin, exhibited a discharge to this Council from said Allin & requested to be discharged from said Trust of Guardian. Wherefore it is voted that the Council Clerk deliver up the Bond to said Witter.
ANDREWS, Mercy – PR 9:148, 4 December 1855 Administration
Clark N. Andrews appointed Administrator.
ARNOLD, Godfrey – PR 7:147, 24 October 1842, Administrators named for the personal estate,
Josiah Langworthy, Elisha Kinyon, Almon Godfrey. Administrators for the business estate, Gorton W. Arnold and Albert N. Bicknell. (The inventory seemed to be from a store)
Widow, Sally Arnold. TC 7:54, 27 February 1843, Court of Probate set off the real estate to the widow, Sally Arnold. Map included.
AUSTIN, John TC 1:19- 9 January 1759 – Benjamin Austin is given a letter of Administration for
his deceased father. PR 1:80 – 30 March 1762,Mary Austin, widow of John, is very sick, weak and low and is a present charge to the town not being able to take care of herself. She made an oath that the Town of North Kingstown was her lawful place of residence. Arrangements were made to take her there.
AUSTIN, Stephen PR 8:167 21 October 1850 Administration
Administrator appointed Gardner S. Kinyon.
Sarah Austin, widow. Sarah Austin to the Guardian of the person and estates of Ezekial G., Mary A., Cordelia, Benjamin K., Loansa C., Sarah E. and John S. Austin, children of the late Stephen Austin
Appraisers: George W. Holdredge, Thomas Edwards, Benjamin B. Kenyon.
Inventory: PR 8:168, 4 November 1850.
BABCOCK, Anna – PR 4:234 Will written, 18 July 1805, Proved 15 September 1812
Sisters; Esther Hubbard, Content Maxson, Judith Merriot. Niece; Tacy Wells wife of Edward Wells.
Witnesses; Lucy Burdick, Polly Stillman, Augustus Lanphear
Inventory: PR 4:236 – 15 September 1812, called “widow Babcock” Appraisers; Joseph Maxson, Rogers Crandall, Daniel Babcock.
BABCOCK, Christopher – TC 7:40, 23 December 1841. Wife Polly Babcock appears before the Town
Council requesting her husband’s pension from the Revolutionary War. Rowland Babcock and Samuel Gardner were present to give their depositions for related questions to obtain the pension.
BABCOCK, Daniel – PR 7:318 Will written, 15 January 1838, proved 12 October 1846
Wife; Content. Daughters, Mary Babcock, Emily Babcock, Betsey Irish, Ann Potter, Lucy Almy.
Sons; Daniel Babcock, Jacob D. Babcock, Oliver Babcock.
Witnesses; Maxson Johnson, Benjamin Potter, Christopher C. Lewis
Inventory PR 7:322, 11 November 1846, appraisers; Daniel Lewis, Isaac Cundall, Elnathan W. Babcock.
BABCOCK, Elnathan W. – PR 9:268, will written, 7 February 1858, proved 7 March 1858
Daughters, Sarah and Elizabeth Babcock , Lucy Cottrell, wife of Lebbeus, Mary P. Irish, wife of Daniel B. Mentions his father Peleg Babcock.
BABCOCK, George – PR 1:102 Will written, 19 January 1767, Proved 22 October 1767
Wife: Susanna Sons: Christopher, Hezekiah, Rouse, George, Samuel Daughters: Elizabeth, Martha, Mary Wilbur. Granddaughters: Mary Wilbur and Susanna Wheeler (daughter of Jeremiah Wheeler)
Note: He mentions land in South Kingstown that he inherited from his father, George, that he is
bequeathing to his son, George. He mentions his slaves, Sudrick, Ceasor, Primas, James, Bristol, and any other black woman or girls that his family wishes to have.
Witnesses: Elisha Stillman, John Davis, Simeon Perry.
Inventory: PR 1:109
BABCOCK, Harriet – TC 7:6, 6 April 1840 – Robert Langworthy, Guardian of Harriet.
TC 7:16 & 17, 25 May 1840, Voted that Robert Langworthy be discharged from being guardian to Harriet Babcock, (a colored woman) and Joseph Spicer Jr. to replace him . TC 7:193, 5 April 1847, Guardian Joseph Spicer submits account of money, etc.
BABCOCK, Harriet – TC 8:20, 21 February 1848 – “Aaron Rodman, a colored man, came before this court and Lydia Carpenter, daughter of the said Harriet, testified that she saw the said Aaron and Harriet married at Stonington in September 1844. (the said Harriet before her last marriage was Harriet Steward) And the said Aaron presented a certificate from the Indian Council that he belonged to the Narragansett Tribe. It is resolved that the said Harriet is no longer under the jurisdiction of this Court and that Joseph Spicer, her Guardian, be at liberty to pay over to her the balance of money now in his hands.
BABCOCK, Hezekiah – PR 4:112 16 April 1807 (inventory taken)
Administrators; Martha and Hezekiah Babcock. Appraisers; Jonathan Maxson, Daniel Babcock, Joseph Potter.
PR 4:148 Additional Inventory 9 October 1808 and Receipts – PR 4:149, one receipt paid to Nancy Will (black woman) $8.81. Receipts – PR 4:151; 16 October 1807 in South Kingstown, “from my honored grandmother, Susannah Babcock…” signed Thomas & Susannah Armsbury; 31 October 1808 in Charlestown, “from my honored grandmother, Susannah Babcock…” signed Gideon & Mary Cross; 10 October 1808, Martha Rhodes received $454.49.
BABCOCK, Isaac – TC 5:46, 2 September 1822, (a black boy, son of Robbin) Voted that Luke Babcock be the Guardian.
BABCOCK, John Sr. – TC 2:16, 23 April 1772, John Larkin Esq. to be Administrator of Estate.
BABCOCK, John – PR 2:19 Insolvent Estate – 16 May 1772
Wife: Abigail, “left with a small sucking child.”
BABCOCK, Luke – PR 5:318 Administration, 28 July 1826.
Request from Mary Ann Babcock, widow of Luke, Martha Babcock, widow, Hezekiah Babcock, Dorcas Eldred and Samuel Gardner to open a Probate. Christopher C. Lewis appointed Administrator. Inventory PR 5:319, 23 August 1826. Appraisers; Daniel Babcock, Edward Wilcox, Job B. Clarke. Estate Insolvent PR 5:321, Commissioners appointed; Job B. Clarke, James Wells, Russell Maxson. PR 5:324, 18 September 1826, Auction of inventory. Bills & Receipts PR 5:354, 28 July 1828. Authorization to sell Real Estate PR 5:458, 18 November 1829
BABCOCK, Martha – PR 7:302, will written, 21 June 1843, proved 27 July 1846.
States she is a widow. Children; Hezekiah Babcock, Rowland Babcock, Susanna Congdon, Martha Noyes. Grandchildren; Mary Ann White, Patience Dayton, James Eldredge. Nephew; Welcome A. Hoxsie.
Witnesses; Joseph M. Wilcox, Sarah A. Champlin, Christopher C. Champlin.
Inventory PR 7:305, 25 August 1846, Appraisers; Josiah Witter, Sanford Noyes, William B. Hoxsie. Receipts PR 7:307, 1846 through 1847, Dr. Kenyon paid $5.75, Orrin Doty for gravestone paid $12.00.
BABCOCK, Nehemiah – PR 1:34 Inventory: May 1759
Wife: Hannah Note: TC 1:19 – 9 January 1759, a letter of administration was given to Hannah Babcock,
widow of Nehemiah.
BABCOCK, Oliver – PR 2:31 Will written, 3 December 1761 Proved 1 November 1773
Wife: Deborah Sons: Thomas, Nathan, Oliver, Simeon, John, Joseph Daughters: Susannah Beebee, Mary Cobb.
Witnesses: Joshua Clarke, William Champlin, Benjamin Clarke
Inventory: PR 2:31 4 October 1773 taken by Robert Burdick, Thomas Coon
BABCOCK, Polly – PR 7:212 will written, 4 November 1842, proved 27 May 1844
States she is a widow. Sons; James, Christopher, Charles. Daughter; Mary Ann Babcock, wife of Rowland Babcock. Granddaughters; Mary E. Babcock, daughter of Christopher Babcock; Mary Ann Babcock, Sally Maria Babcock and Lydia F. Babcock, daughters of Charles Babcock; Mary Babcock,
daughter of James Babcock.Eliza Babcock; daughter of Charles Babcock, a looking glass after the death of her Aunt Mary Ann. Grandsons; Christopher Babcock, son of James Babcock, Luke Babcock, son of Charles Babcock.
Witnesses; Peleg Kinyon, Samuel Coon Jr., Christopher C. Lewis
PR 7:216, 7 September 1846, “I hold a note given by the said James to the said Polly for fifty dollars
which I cannot collect, and have applied to said James for a receipt for the legacy and he refused to give me one…” (In subsequent writing the situation seemed to have been resolved, but is unclear how)
BABCOCK, Robin – TC 3:125, 2 July 1798, Oliver Davis is appointed Guardian to Robin Babcock
(Negro man). TC 4:112, 4 January 1808, Cpt. Peleg Babcock is appointed Guardian to Robin Babcock (a black man.) TC 4:159, 1 April 1811, It is represented to this Court that a negro man called Robbin Babcock, late belonging to Hezekiah Babcock, and having been manumitted and he has a right in some lands lying in New York or Ohio. Whereas he will probably divest himself of said right and the Town of Hopkinton would become liable for him. A Guardian, Joseph Maxson is appointed to him.
BABCOCK, Simeon – PR 3:97 written, 2 August 1792, proved, 7 November 1796
Wife, Sarah. Four sons, Jeremiah, Jason, Lucas, Jonathan. Daughters, Eunice Lanphear, Lucy Randall, Dorcas Tefft, Lydia Maxson, Hannah Burdick. Grandchildren, Barker Wells and Lois Sabins, children of Eunice Lanphear.
Witnesses: Joseph Clarke, Nathan Potter, Oliver Lewis Jr.
Inventory: PR 3:99 taken 26 October 1796 PR 3:111 taken 20 January 1797
Receipts: PR 3:113 30 January 1797 received “all my wife’s & Barker Wells portion” by William Hibbert, “my wife’s portion” by Billings Burdick.
Receipts: 3:129 “In Petersburgh, New York, 1 January 1797, received from my wife’s deceased father’s estate.” Matthew and Lucy Randall.
25 October 1797 – “property given to my wife, Lydia, from her deceased father’s estate, Luke Maxson.
BARBER, Amos Jr. – PR 6:155, 3 December 1832, Administration requested by widow, Lucinda
Barber and children.
Inventory PR 6:156, submitted 3 December 1832, Appraisers; Robert Langworthy, Gardner Burdick,
Elnathan W. Babcock. TC 6:54, Lucinda appointed Guardian of the children, Betsey, George P., Ann Maria, William Henry, James and Amos Jr.
BARBER, Amy – TC 2:95, 6 April 1778, Mary Barber paid for nursing Amy for eight days, Mr. Billings Burch paid 1/4/0 for making a coffin and Dr. Bartlett paid for doctoring her. PR 2:113 Inventory 30 April 1778 Administrator – Samuel Witter
Appraisers: Abel Tanner, Nathan Porter.
Receipts: PR 2:156 3 May 1779
BARBER, Benjamin (the younger) – PR 6:276, 12 July 1836. Administration. Edward Barber
appointed Administrator. PR 6:277, 2 September 1836, appraisers; John Webster, Benjamin W. Crandall,
Whitman Kinyon. PR 6:281, 3 April 1837, the widow Nancy, is appointed
TC 6:92, 12 July 1836, Benjamin was a United States pensioner and died on 13 February 1836.
Guardian to her minor children, Edward B. Barber, Benjamin F. Barber, minors over 14 years and under
21 years, William R. Barber under 14 years.
BARBER, Benjamin Franklin – PR 8:117, 14 February 1849 proved, 4 June 1849
Names his mother, Nancy Bliven, wife to William Bliven, to be his Executrix and leaves all his possessions and money to her.
Witnesses: William C. Crandall, William Bliven, Alfred B. Burdick
BARBER, Edward – PR 8:24 will written 23 July 1845, proved 6 December 1847
Wife, Phebe. Sons, Welcome Barber, Joseph T., Thomas T., William, Lillibridge and Edward. Six beloved daughters; Mary H. Kenyon, w/o Whitman Kenyon, Susan Dye, w/o William H. Dye, Alice Matteson, w/o Benoni Matteson, Anna James Bliven, w/o Bradford Bliven, Rebecca Phillips, w/o John Phillips, Hannah Matteson, w/o Peleg Matteson, the daughters to inherit a piece of property in Richmond, RI in equal shares. The stipulation is that no one sell ardent spirits from the property, if one does, they forfeit their shares to the others.
Grandsons; Edward Thomas Barber, son of Joseph T. Barber; Edward Lillibridge Barber, son of Lillibridge Barber, both under twenty one.
Witnesses: John Olney, Silas Richmond, Christopher C. Lewis
Inventory: PR 8:28, 4 January 1848 Receipts 8:32, 2 June 1851, includes bricks for grave, $3.00 and Mr. Doty for gravestones, $32.50.
BARBER, Edward B. – PR 8:255, Administration 8 March 1852
Administrator, Bradford H. Barber. Appraisers, Gorton W. Arnold, Isaac H. Barber, John Webster.
BARBER, Elizabeth – TC 3:9, 13 December 1791, It is presented to this Council that Elizabeth and Penelope Barber are about to dispose of their land, whereby they will be liable to become chargeable to this Town in so doing, and perhaps it may be of bad consequence otherways. Voted Thomas Wells be appointed Guardian to Elizabeth and Penelope.
BARBER, Esther – TC 2:117, 1 February 1779 Voted that Joseph Witter Jr, Esq be Administrator to the estate of his aunt, deceased. TC 2:118, 1 March 1779, Joseph Barber to be Administrator of his mother, Esther, in lieu of Joseph Witter who declined.
BARBER, Franklin – PR 9:242, 20 October 1857 Administration
Resident of Stonington, CT., owned land in Hopkinton.
BARBER, Henry – TC 2:119, 8 March 1779, Henry, being of proper age, made his choice of Rowse Babcock Esq. as his Guardian.
BARBER, John – PR 2:93 Inventory 9 June 1777
Wife: Mary. Administrator: Joseph Barber TC 2:83, 10 June 1777, calls Joseph “his brother”
Appraisers: David Maxson & Thomas Cottrell TC 2:85, 1 September 1777, That Nathan Barber be cited to appear before the Council whether he hath any of the estate of John Barber in his hands or not. He is cited again in October. Cited again 19 January 1778 TC 2:90.
Receipts: PR 2:126 6 July 1778, Joseph Barber, for his brother John’s estate.
BARBER, John N. – PR 7:271, 1 September 1845, Administration, requested by Mary Barber, Nicholas
Barber and Dorcas Coon. Nathan K. Lewis named Administrator.
Inventory PR 7:272, 1 September 1845, appraisers; Gorton W. Arnold, George Hoxsie, Edward Hoxsie Second Inventory PR 7:275, 6 October 1845. Receipts PR 7:276, 1845 through 5 January 1846, Nichols & Langworthy for coffin, $5.25, L. A. Palmer Physician, $12.14 Receipts PR 7:278, 7 September 1846, To writing 3 letters & postage to ascertain the residence of Sarah Potter. 1868, $27.00 paid to Thomas Potter husband of Sarah Potter as heir – in –law.
BARBER, Joanna, aka Joanna Perry – PR 5:361, will written, 4 August 1827, proved 30 August 1827
“My dear and well beloved half aunt, Abigail Perry. She gives her aunt the interest that she received in
her grandfather Benjamin Perry’s estate.
Witnesses; Hazard Wilcox, Stephen Codner, Susanna Codner.
Inventory PR 5:363, 30 August 1827 Appraisers; Jona N. Hazard, Hazard Wilcox, Gorton W. Arnold
BARBER, Joseph – TC 1:50 (2nd set pgs.) – 25 October 1763, Appeared by the Council and chose
Joseph Witter to be his Guardian.
BARBER, Moses – PR 7:20 Will written, 3 June 1833, proved 6 April 1840
Sons; George, (given the homestead farm in Hopkinton), Jared (he gives Jared two lots of land in
land in Hopkinton), daughters; Martha Cheesbro, Thankful Wilbur. Grandson, Moses, who was under
21 years old. Granddaughter, Rebecca Barber, under 18 years old. Rebecca Bowler, daughter of William Bowler. Son-in-law, Jesse Wilbur Jr. Daughter, Sally Bliven, deceased.
Witnesses; Edward Barber, Benjamin Crandall, Phineas T.N. Barber.
Whereas, Jesse Wilbur Jr, was deceased, George Barber named Administrator.
Inventory, PR 7:24, 13 April 1840, appraisers; Edward Barber, Joseph T. Barber, Nathan W. Lillibridge.
*On 19 July 1833, Moses Barber and Sarah Browning entered into a prenuptial agreement, Moses agreeing to give certain items to Sarah after their marriage. On 30 July 1833, the couple recorded it with the Town Hall. On 5 February 1835, Moses recorded an additional document providing Sarah, his wife with additional household items.
TC 1:15, 15 April 1840, Jesse Wilbur Jr. is appointed to be guardian of the property of the heirs of Martha Chesebrough, said heirs being out of state.
BARBER, Nicholas – PR 9:122 written 24 May 1855 proved 23 July 1855
Leaves all property to his niece, Phebe Larkin, widow of Thompson Larkin, and her son Alphonso Coon.
Appraisers; Daniel Sherman, Samuel Richmond, Charles Chipman Inventory PR 9:124 3 August 1855
BARBER, Penelope – PR 4:311 Inventory – 15 September 1817
Appraisers; John Carpenter, Stephen Hoxsie, Benjamin Kenyon.
Receipt PR 4:312 – 31 January 1820 “received by me, Guardian to Elizabeth Barber, Signed Moses Barber.
BARBER, Peter – TC 2:119, 1 September 1783 (see Peter Allin)
BARBER, Sarah – TC 7:6, 6 April 1840, Gorton W. Arnold is Guardian to Sarah Barber, widow, and
her estate by reason of mental derangement. TC 7:84, 1 January 1844, Gorton W. Arnold is to attend to settle up his guardian account. Inventory TC 7:93A, 1 April 1844. Mr. Arnold resigns and Horace A. Browning is appointed Guardian. TC 7:107, 2 December 1844, Information being brought to the Council that Sarah Barber, widow, is in a state of insanity with her son, Horace Browning, now living in Connecticut and that Sarah is not being taken care of and made as comfortable as she should be. Edward Barber, Overseer of the Poor, to be sent to visit Sarah and ascertain her condition. TC 7:134, 27 May 1845, Horace Browning of Lebanon, CT, is requested to attend the Probate Court concerning his mother. TC 7:137, 30 June 1845, Guardianship transferred to Gorton W. Arnold. TC 7:192, 5 April 1847, Gorton W. Arnold presented a petition to the Probate Court to sell wood from Sarah Barber’s land to raise money for her support. Petition was granted.
BARBER, Sarah – TC 9:83, 12 March 1856, Gideon Palmer is now the Guardian of Sarah and her property.
BARBER, Thomas – PR 3:119 Inventory 29 June 1797 shown by widow, Mary and Peleg Barber.
Appraisers: Cpt. Nathan Barber, Thomas P. Gardner
BARBER, Weeden Jr. – TC 9:11, 1 January 1855
Weeden Barber Jr. is appointed Guardian over his children, who are all under fourteen, Leanidas A., John W., Hannah M., and Harriet N.
BARBER, William – PR 1:53 Will written – 12 December 1761, Proved 13 September 1762 (TC 1:86)
Wife, Esther Sons, Josiah, Elisha, John, William, and Joseph Daughter, Amie
Witnesses: Thomas Clarke, Joseph Northrup, Samuel Wilbore
Inventory: PR 1:54
BARTLETT, Thomas “an Indian Man” – PR 1:33 Inventory accepted – 25 June 1759
Brother, Codando, Sister, Hannah
Letter of Administration given by the Council at the 25 January 1759 Town Council meeting
Administrator – William Maxson
BENT, Jane PR 5:126 – Written, 10 August 1820, Proved 2 October 1820.
Brother-in-law, Thomas Potter Gardner, my cousin Polly Saunders, d/o Cate Saunders, my cousin Joseph Saunders, s/o to Cate Saunders.
Witnesses; Amos Closson, Catherine Saunders, Dorcas Closson.
Receipts PR 5:128, in Hopkinton 4 September 1825, from Polly Saunders, Joseph P. Saunders.
In Westerly, 26 December 1825, from Maxson Green, $2.00 for making a coffin.
BENT, John PR 2:217 Written 15 June 1784, proved 13 September 1784
Wife, Mary daughters, Mary, Sarah Helme (wife of Niles Helme), Elizabeth Douglas (wife of David Douglas) Catherine Gardner, Jane Bent. Grandaughters, Hannah Bent, Dorcas Helme.
Son-in-law, Thomas Potter Gardner.
Witnesses: John Wilbore, Mary Wilbore, Simeon Burdick
Inventory: PR 2:220 22 September 1784
Receipts PR 2:242, 243
BENT, PRINCE TC 5:46, 2 September 1822, (a colored man and revolutionary war pensioner) Voted that Jeremiah Thurston be Guardian of Prince, of the person and the estate. TC 6:8, 5 April 1830, The clerk to issue a citation to Prince Bent respecting the appointment of a Guardian, as Jeremiah Thurston has died. TC 6:25, 6 June 1831, Voted that Benjamin B. Thurston as Guardian to Prince Bent to deal out no more than $5.00 per month to him for the term of six months. TC 6:47, 1 April 1833, Arnold Hiscox appointed Guardian to Prince Bent. TC 6:48, 27 May 1833, Arnold Hiscox paid $6.81 it being funeral expences for Prince Bent.
BENTLEY, John PR 4:292 Inventory, 21 April 1817 Appraisers; Daniel Babcock, Russell Lawton,
Christopher Lewis.
PR 4:317 Receipts – 1 March 1819. PR 4:318 – 1 March 1819 List of articles delivered to the widow, Lydia Bentley. PR 4:319 – 3 June 1817, List of articles sold at auction.
BENTLEY, John – TC 5:5, 4 January 1819, Daniel Babcock be Guardian of the minor children of John Bentley, Mary Ann and Lydia Bentley.
BENTLEY, Lydia PR 6:353, will written, 13 February 1839, proved 1 April 1839
Daughters: Mary Ann Bentley, Lydia Langworthy, wife of William Langworthy and their son, John Courtland Langworthy. Sister, Dorcas Wilbur, all the part of the dwelling house that I owned that was Woodman Wilbur’s.
Witnesses: Daniel Lewis, Christopher C. Lewis, Elnathan W. Babcock.
BICKNELL, Albert N. – PR 7:239, Administration brought before Court 24 February 1845.
Widow, Ruth A. Inventory PR 7:240, 24 February 1845; Appraisers; Gorton W. Arnold, Lewis C. Kenyon, Charles W. Collins. Receipts PR 7:242, 3 March 1845, Receipts from Heirs, PR 7:244, In Hopkinton, 26 November 1845, Ruth A. Bicknell, In East Greenwich, RI, 26 March 1846, Diana Tanner, In Hopkinton, 26 November 1845, Emeline A. Bicknell, Louisa A. Bicknell, William G. Bicknell.
BIDGOOD, John – TC 3:42, 6 January 1794, Voted that Samuel Bidgood be appointed guardian to John Bidgood Sr., his complying with the law, and giving sufficient bond to keep this town indemnified from said John Bidgood Sr. and his wife from becoming chargeable to this town.
BISSELL, Jonathan B. PR 8:147 Administration 11 February 1850
Horace Church appointed administrator. Jonathan B. Bissell formerly of Mantua, Ohio, but deceased in Hopkinton.
BOWLER, William D. PR 5:146 Administration, 19 April 1821, Abram Coon appointed Administrator. Widow, Nancy Bowler. PR 5:150 Inventory PR 5:147, 27 April 1821. Estate Insolvent.
BRAMEN, Christopher – TC 7:75, 20 October 1843, Guardianship. Gorton W. Arnold who is guardian to Christopher, received letter from Christopher stating he wishes Arnold to advance $50.00 to him, Bramen not yet being twenty one years of age. Request was approved. TC 7:176, 6 November 1846, A complaint has been made to me, Edward Barber, Overseer of the Poor, by various persons that Christopher Bramen has become intemperate and spending his time and money that came to him by his parents. Mr. G. W. Arnold informed me that Christopher Bramen has called on him for money very often and wanted $50.00 more very soon. If he goes on as he has done, in a short time he will have no money to spend nor to help himself when he is sick and likely become chargeable to the town. Voted that Christopher Bramen be cited to attend the next session at the Inn of Jesse Brown to answer this complaint.
TC 7:179, 15 February 1847, Voted Gorton W. Arnold be appointed Guardian to the person and estate of Christopher F. Bramen.
BRAMEN, Christopher F. – PR 8:197 10 March 1851
Gideon Palmer, Administrator. Appraisers: George W. Holdredge, Edward Hoxsie, Thomas Edwards
Inventory PR 8:198 24 March 1851
BRAMEN, George W. – TC 7:76, 30 October 1843, He was summoned to the next Town Council
meeting to chose a Guardian for himself. TC 7:105, 2 September 1844, appeared George W. Bramen
and requested the complaint against him from Samuel Foster be dismissed. The complaint was discharged. Edward Barber, Overseer of the Poor, made a complaint in writing that George W. Bramen needed a Guardian because he treats his child badly because of intemperance and makes bad use of his time and property. TC 7:109, 17 December 1844, a complaint made by Theodoty Hall to give evidence to prove George Bramen’s conduct with his family and property. TC 7:121, 24 February 1845, a Guardian, Thomas Clarke was chosen for him for the reason of constant intoxication and him selling off his belonging and binding out his child. TC 7:129, 7 April 1845, George W. Bramen chooses Welcome Collins as his Guardian. TC 7:143, 3 November 1845, Welcome Collins submits his resignation. TC 7:179, 15 February 1847, Whereas a complaint was entered to Edward Barber, Overseer of the Poor, that George W. Bramen and Joseph Bramen is making waste of their property and for which will be likely to become chargeable to the town. That the said George and Joseph Bramen be cited to attend this Court at the Inn of Jesse Brown in March for the purpose of making choice of Guardians. TC 7:186, 15 March 1847, Joseph Bramen failed to appear, Nathan Collins was voted to be his Guardian. Whereas a citation was issued to George Bramen, and was about to be read to him, but said Bramen then ran away and would not hear it. Gideon Palmer was chosen as George Bramen’s Guardian. TC 8:49, 19 February 1849, Reuben Brown requests six dollars, it being for a coffin for George Bramen.
BRAMEN, George – TC 8:128, 12 May 1851. A minor over the age of fourteen years of age, son of George W. (deceased) Guardian Welcome Collins appointed.
BRAMEN, Hannah – PC 9:40, 23 October 1851.
Son, William Robinson Bramen. She mentions four brothers; Benjamin, Joseph, Isaac and George W. Bramen.
Witnesses: Almon Godfrey, William Burrell, Charles Chipman
Inventory: PR 9:43, 9 October 1854
BRAMEN, John PR 3:75 written, 31 January 1789, proved, 4 January 1796
Wife, unnamed. Daughters, Anna Bramen, Mercy Church, Mary Bramen, Elizabeth Mott.
Sons, Joseph, John, James.
Witnesses: Amos Button, Amos Button Jr., Josiah Witter
Inventory: PR 3:77 28 June 1796 Appraisers; David Coon, Henry Brightman
BRAMEN, Joseph TC 6:129, 12 February 1839, a complaint made that Joseph Bramen has become incapable of managing his affairs by reason of being almost blind and should have a Guardian appointed to him. Bramen cited to attend next Town Council meeting. TC 6:129, 5 March 1839, Mr. Bramen does not appear and from further information on the subject the complaint is dismissed.
BRAMEN, Joseph PR 8:202 written 3 October 1838 proved 31 March 1851
Being of “Old Age.” Sons: Benjamin, Joseph, Isaac, John and George Washington Brayman.
Daughter, Hannah Brayman. Witnesses: Nathan Wilcox, Elnathan W. Babcock, Alfred Enos.
Inventory: PR 8:205, 14 April 1851 Appraisers: Nathan Collins, Jesse Wilbur Jr., Welcome Collins.
BRAMEN, Robert PR 6:178 Administration, 2 September 1833. Mrs. (Sally) Bramen appeared and
requested the Probate Court to appoint Gideon Palmer and Nathan Collins as Administrators.
Inventory PR 6:179, 6 September 1833, appraisers; Edward Barer, John H. Kinyon, Godfrey Arnold. Mrs. Bramen’s first name appears on PR 6:183. Children’s names appear PR 6:184, 2 April 1836, Christopher F., Luther, Harriet and Mary Bramen. TC 7:194, 29 March 1847, Gorton Arnold is Guardian, and submits an account of expenses, which include 1 day of Self and horse to go to Voluntown, CT on 5 March 1838. On 3 January 1842, he goes to Voluntown to see to a settlement of a difficulty with Christopher Bramen. In the account submitted on 29 March 1847, each family member is mentioned except for Mary Bramen. TC 7:197, December 1850, the estate divided among the heirs and receipts were signed from the family, Gorton Arnold, Guardian to Christopher F. Bramen. The rest were signed in Voluntown, CT, Sally Bramen, Harriet Brown and Luther Bramen.
BRAMEN, William R. – TC 8:78, 7 January 1850, A complaint has been made to the Town Council that William is in possession of land and conducts himself as if he would spend all his property. It is determined he is in need of a Guardian. TC 8:87, 1 April 1850, Mr. Bramen appeared and was very unwilling to have a Guardian. After some consideration, it was determined that Mr. Bramen would not have a Guardian.
BRAND, Elizabeth – PR 5:347 1 January 1827, Administrator named, Christopher C. Lewis.
Elizabeth called a widow. PR 5:348, 12 January 1827, Inventory. Appraisers; John H. Kinyon, Lewis Collins, Christopher Crandall. Auction of Estate Pr 5:349. Out of the estate sale, One gold necklace was sold for $8.00 to Christopher C. Lewis.
BRAND, James B. – TC 7:3, 3 March 1840, Town Council minutes mention that Christopher C. Lewis
is Guardian to James B. Brand.
BRAND, William V. PR 5:43 – Administration, 5 April 1819
Huldah Brand, widow, was appointed to be Administrator of Estate.
Inventory PR 5:44 – 24 April 1819 Appraisers; Edward Barber, Robert Kinyon, Remington Kinyon.
Receipts PR 5:47 – dated 1820/1821.
PR 5:48, 26 November 1821, the Widow Huldah Brand was allowed $132.26 for the support of her family.
BRAYTON, Samuel – PR 6:286 – Administration, 27 November 1837
Widow, Eunice. Gorton W. Arnold appointed Administrator. Inventory PR 6:287, 27 November 1837. Appraisers; John Webster, Luke Nichols, Matthew G. Wilbur. Inventory included shoemakers tools.
BRIGGS, Jacob TC 3:12, 12 March 1792, Whereas, it is represented to this Council that Jacob Briggs behaves himself imprudently, whereby he is likely to become chargeable to this Town unless due measures be take to prevent the same, Whereas, Moses Barber be appointed Guardian. TC 3:39,
4 November 1793, Whereas a complaint being made by Jabez Bowen, Commissioner of the Loan Office, R.J. Hand, that Jacob Briggs, an invalid, who draws a pension, conducts himself imprudently and in such a manner that it is rendered absolutely necessary that he be put under guardianship. It is hereby voted that Gen. George Thurston be appointed Guardian.
BRIGGS, Jacob PR 4:67 (Pensioner) Guardianship with Gen. George Thurston was from 1793 until
20 May 1805. PR 4:150 5 September 1808, accounting from George Thurston. TC 4:128, 6 March 1809, Voted that Samuel Peckham be discharged from being the Guardian of Jacob Briggs, an invalid, who draws a pension, upon George Kinyon giving a sufficient bond.
BRIGHTMAN, Joseph – PR 4:46 written,6 September 1803, proved 24 September 1804
Wife, Sarah Sons; Thomas, Martin, Holmes, Henry Daughters; Mary Brightman, Sarah Peterson, Mercy Geer.
Witnesses; Caleb Church 2nd, Joseph Brightman 2nd, William Wilbur
Inventory PR 4:48 24 September 1804 Appraisers; George Kinyon Jr., William Tanner, John Wilbur. Additional Inventory PR 4:61 25 March 1805
Claims against the Estate; PR 4:68 25 March 1805
Receipts; PR 4:87, 7 July 1806 “Received of Hopkinton 29 ___ 1804, signed Jonathan and Sarah Peterson.”
BRIGHTMAN, Joseph – PR 4:281 Inventory – 13 February 1816 Appraisers; Daniel Larkin Jr.,
William Tanner, Joseph Spicer. Receipts PR 4:291 – 27 January 1817.
Receipts PR 4:301 – 18 May 1817 in Hopkinton, Nabby Brown; 19 February 1818 in Hopkinton, Sarah Kinyon; 6 April 1818 in Hopkinton, Aaron Kinyon.
BRIGHTMAN, Martin – PR 6:185 Will written, 29 March 1827, proved 30 September 1833.
Wife, Amy. Daughters; Sarah, Lucy, Dorcas, Mary Ann and Fanny L. Brightman, and Nancy Ackley. and Lydia Kinyon. Son; Joseph M. Brightman (under 21 years) His nephew; Thomas Brightman Jr.
Witnesses; Isaac Collins; Francis P. Brightman; John Wilbur.
Receipts – PR 6:188 – In Onconta, 17 December 1833, signed George and Sarah Brightman, In Hopkinton, 20 January 1834, signed Mary A. Brightman, In Pittsfield, NY, 4 December 1833, signed James and Nancy Ackley, In Onconta, 16 December 1833, signed William L. and Dorcas Brightman, In Laurens, 16 December 1833, signed Howland and Lydia Kinyon, In Hopkinton, January 9th and 20th, 1834, Amy Bramen, Fanny L. Brightman and Asahel A and Lucy Bennett.
BROWN, Christopher – PR 7:196 will written, 3 April 1840, proved 1 April 1844
Wife, Anna. Daughter; Nancy Merriot Sons; James W., Reuben, Christopher Jr., and John.
Witnesses; Thomas M. Wilcox, Alfred Enos, Lydia A. Enos
PR 7:199, Inventory, 11 June 1844, appraiser; Edward Hoxsie, Samuel Foster, Alfred Enos.
PR 7:201, Receipts, 1844 – 1845, paid Phineas Stillman 25 cents to dig grave, paid Henry M.
Wells $2.63 for cloth for shroud, Harriet Wells for making shroud and Edward Wells $5.50 for
making coffin.
BROWN, Francis – TC 4:112, it is reported that Francis Brown Esq. is very much indisposed both in body and mind. Samuel Brand is appointed his Guardian. TC 4:128, 6 March 1807, Francis Brown appears and requests that he be liberated from a guardian. He appearing to be rational and of sane mind, the guardian was dismissed.
BROWN, Harriet – TC 8:301, dated at Voluntown, CT – 12 April 1851, proved 23 September 1851 in Voluntown.
Names her mother, Sarah Bramen as Executrix. She gives to her infant son and only child (not yet named) $1.00. She gives to her brother Luther Bramen all the property she may inherit from her deceased brother, Christopher F. Bramen.
BROWN, Ruth – TC 3:111, 4 December 1797, Zaccheus Reynolds appointed Guardian.
BROWN, Samuel – PR 3:6 Inventory, 19 March 1792 requested by Adminstrator Cpt. Samuel
Babcock and taken by Hezekiah Babcock & Thomas P. Gardner.
Credit Report – 26 September 1792
Receipts PR 3:23 6 May 1793 received on 21 March 1793 “from our Honored Father”
to Aaron Taylor, Daniel Pierce, Amos Wage, Mary Brown.
BROWN, Samuel – TC 2:252, 3 April 1786, Stephen Hoxsie of Charlestown be Guardian to Samuel Brown.
BROWN, Samuel – TC 2:288, 7 April 1788, Samuel Babcock appointed Guardian to Samuel Brown.
TC 3:12, 12 March 1792, Voted that Cpt. Samuel Babcock have a Letter of Administration on all goods and chattles of Mr. Samuel Brown, late of Hopkinton, deceased.
BROWN, Thankful – TC 7:117, 15 January 1845, Jonathan G. Foster suggests a Guardianship for
Thankful and Abby Brown as they are incapable of managing their affairs by reasons of occasional
derangement. TC 7:120, 24 February 1845, Thankful and Abby Brown appeared and choose Zephaniah Brown as their Guardian. Voted that the property be set off a third for Thankful and 1/6 part for Abby Brown. TC 7:165, 8 June 1846, Zephaniah Brown made application in writing to be released and discharged from the Guardianship.
BROWN, Thankful – PR 9:259, 5 January 1858 Administration
States she was a widow. Thomas Brightman named Administrator.
Inventory PR 9:260, 5 January 1858, Appraisers; Christopher Brown, Jonathan G. Foster, Thomas L. Palmer. On 22 February 1859, Francis P. Brightman is now the Administrator of the estate.
BROWN, William, the elder, – PR 7:235, 6 January 1845, Administration, Alfred Enos named
Administrator. Widow, Thankful Brown, PR 236. PR 7:236, 6 January 1845, appraisers; Christopher Brown, George Hoxsie, Edward Hoxsie.
Receipts and Bills PR 7:267, 22 January 1845. Receipt PR 7:269, 19 May 1845 “Receipt from
Zephaniah Brown, guardian of his mother, Thankful Brown.
BROWN, William, the younger – PR 7:252, 31 March 1845, Administration, Alfred Enos named
Administrator. Requested by Zephaniah Brown, Guardian to Thankful and Abby Brown.
Inventory PR 7:253, 10 April 1845, lists carpenter tools, a “lot” of loose shingles in the new house.
Appraisers; Christopher Brown, George Hoxsie, Edward Hoxsie. Receipts PR 7:257, 1845 (various dates) Orrin Doty (gravestone) –$12.00, Reuben Brown (coffin maker) $8.00,
PR 7:257, 30 March 1846, Receipts, each of the following individuals received $106.65 as their part
of the estate as heirs, Ira Bliven, Alice W. Brightman, James J. Brown, Zephaniah Brown on behalf of Abby and Thankful Brown. TC 7:152, 19 January 1846, Map drawn of William Brown’s estate. Subdivisions were drawn by the heirs listed above, and a Sally Bliven, perhaps the wife of Ira Bliven, drew Lot #11.
BROWN, Zephaniah – PR 4:64 Will written, 26 December 1800, proved 3 June 1803
States he is 79 years old. *gives his own land description. Mentions land that he came by from his wife
“Anna.” (Could this be a Clerk error for the wife’s name?) Or was Elce/Alice mentioned in will as his wife, a second wife? Sons, Christopher, William, Darius Daughters; Mary Brown, Alice Woodbridge, Freelove Rathbun.
Witnesses; Hannah Cottrell, Eli Button, Abel Tanner.
Inventory PR 4:71 5 July 1805 Receipts PR 4:89 – 1 September 1806
BROWNING, Almira – PR 8:126, 15 October 1849
Hiram Arnold from Rockville Manufacturing and Burrows Burdick, physician, brings forward petition.
Harris Lanphear named Administrator. 15 October 1850, Harris Lanphear is discharged and Gideon Palmer is appointed administrator of the estate of Almira Browning and Matthew S. Browning.
Appraisers: Harris Lanphear, Charles W. Collins and Elias R. Rathbun.
Inventory: PR 8:128, 20 May 1850.
BROWNING, Elizabeth – PR 8:104, written 19 May 1845, proved 7 January 1850
Sister, Phebe Green, “all land that was inherited from my father”. Two nieces, Sarah Ann Knowles and Ruth E. Green. Mention sister Ruth Browning.
Witnesses: Gorton W. Arnold, Jonathan Boss, George F. Boss.
BROWNING, Robert – PR 6:28, Administration, 4 January 1830.
Widow, Mary, requests in writing, along with the heirs of Robert Browning, except for the wife of William W. Green. PR 6:28, 29, 30, 31, Inventory taken 7, 8 and 12th of January 1830. Encompassed two towns, Hopkinton and South Kingstown, RI. Receipts show Nicholas Vincent was paid $1.00 to dig the grave.
BROWNING, Ruth – PR 7:88, Administration, 6 September 1841, requested by Robert Browning, John N. Barber, Phebe Greene, Elizabeth Browning, Susan Browning and Hannah Browning. Gorton W. Arnold named administrator. Inventory PR 7:89, 6 September 1841,
At a Town Council Meeting TC 7:41, 3 January 1842, Elizabeth appeared and stated she did not require a
Guardian and satisfied the Council. Susan sent her request of Gorton W. Arnold as her Guardian. TC 7:121, February 1845, an application submitted to the Court to make a division of the real estate, heirs as follows; Susan Browning, Thomas Browning, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Browning, Phebe Green, Catherine Tanner, Mary Barber, Sarah Barber and Hannah Browning. Gorton W. Arnold made a request for permission to sell wood from Susan’s share of real estate for her support. TC 7:195, 5 April 1847, Gorton W. Arnold submits accounting for money spent on Susan Browning.
BROWNING, Susan – PR 9:118, 2 July 1855 Administration
Administrator – William C. Crandall
Appraisers; Peleg Matteson, Henry Burdick, Wanton Crandall Inventory – PR 9:119, 2 October 1855
BROWNING, Thomas – TC 7:38, 25 October 1841, It is represented that Thomas Browning has
become entirely incapable of managing his estate by reason of mental inability. Edward Barber to be his guardian. Voted to cite Susan and Elizabeth Browning to appear before the Probate Court and chose a Guardian for themselves or to prove why they do not need one. TC 7:63, 3 April 1843, Bills and Receipts. TC 7:138, 1 September 1844, yearly inventory submitted.
BROWNING, Thomas – PR 9:116, 23 July 1855 “late of Lebanon, Connecticut” Administration
Appraisers; Joseph Spicer, John S. Champlin, Charles Noyes Inventory: PR 9:116, 117
BRUMBLY, Jesse Jr. – TC 6:87, 30 May 1836, Guardian Edward Barber chosen for Jesse Brumbly Jr.
BRUMBLY, Thomas – TC 3:96, 6 March 1797, Mr. Joshua Coon appointed Guardian.
BRUMBLY, Orin Judson – PR 7:312, 31 October 1846 – Guardianship. When Jonathan Larkin died in
late summer of 1846, Charles W. Collins took over Guardianship of Orin.
BUNDY, Joseph – PR 2:11 Will written – 1 November 1770, Proved 1 July 1771
Wife: Mary Son-Ezekial (of Preston, CT) daughters: Elizabeth Tifft, Dorcas Herrick
His wife’s daughter – Mary Burdick
His friend & Executor: Thomas West (Mary Bundy was subsequently named)
Witnesses: Samuel Tifft, Jonathan Palmiter, John Burdick
Inventory: PR 2:12 – 27 May 1771
BURDICK, Abel – PR 5:236 – Administration requested 31 August 1824, by son, Benjamin Burdick
2nd. Inventory PR 5:237 13 September 1824 Appraisers; Alpheus Burdick, Benjamin Crandall, Peleg Maxson Jr. Estate insolvent. Receipts PR 5:238, 239, 240, 1 November 1824, from widow, Zilpha Burdick. Son Abel Burdick receives $1.00 for digging his fathers grave. Received $2.00 for building coffin, Jabez Palmer.
BURDICK, Alpheus – PR 7:123 – will written, 19 December 1837, proved 3 January 1842
Wife, Abigail Daughters; Sarah Palmer, Elizabeth Salisbury, Phebe Crandall, Abigail Ann Burdick,
Luritty Burdick, Cordelia Burdick, Miranda Burdick and Alana Burdick. Sons; Gardner, Alpheus A., Sheffield, and Gilbert Burdick “The reason why I give my four first mentioned sons no more because I gave them all their time at 19 years of age so that they had two years to lay up property for themselves and it was their own choice to do so.” Sons; Elias T., Burrows, Bradford and Orrin R. Burdick, “his farm to be equally divided between them.” TC 7:141, 13 October 1845, Elias T. Burdick named Guardian of Bradford and Orin R. Burdick.
Witnesses; Jedidiah Kinyon, Abner N. Woodmansee, Elizabeth Kinyon.
* Good Land Description
TC 7:145, 5 January 1846, Guardian Elias T. Burdick receives permission from the Court to sell the land of Bradford and Orin R. Burdick.
BURDICK, Asa – 1726 – 1794 page 24, 11 February 1782, “Whereas it is the opinion of the Freeman in
this Town Meeting that Asa Burdick is noncomposmentos, incapable of transacting his own business. It is therefore recommended to the town that they appoint a Guardian to said Asa. TC 2:163, Thomas Wells was appointed Guardian. TC 2:179, 2 June 1783, Information made to this council that Asa Burdick is conducting himself imprudently and extravagantly in bargaining. Robert Burdick Esq. was appointed Guardian. (same Asa?) TC 2:285 7 January 1788, Robert Burdick discharged from Guardinship.
BURDICK, Benjamin – PR 7:204, will written, 9 January 1842, proved 27 May 1844
Names his “trusty friend” Benjamin Franklin Newton to be Executor. He gives Mr. Newton his farm, Joseph Burdick, deceased, Ethan Burdick, son of his brother Stephen Rose Burdick, William West, son of William West, deceased. He gives to Benjamin Franklin Newton’s sons, Nathan Franklin Newton and Elijah Newton $500.00 each when they reach 21 years. Gives to his friend, Lodowick Burdick a farm in North Stonington, called the “Clark Farm” that he purchased from John Langworthy. Mentions his brothers, Isaac and Jacob Burdick.
Witnesses: Wealthy Lewis, Daniel Lewis, Christopher C. Lewis
Inventory PR 7:207, 31 May 1844, appraisers; Benjamin B. Thurston, Edward Hoxsie, Charles W. Collins. Receipts PR 7:210, Harriet Wells, 50 cents for shroud, Orin Doty, gravestone carver, $27.00.
BURDICK, Charles S. – PR 9:1, written 6 June 1850, proved 3 April 1854
He states he is a widower and wishes to be buried next to his wife in First Hopkinton Cemetery.
he names his eldest daughter, Hannah Stanton, daughters, Susan Tucker, Phebe Wells, Lucy Ann Palmer and Betsey Bliven. Sons, Charles, Palmer, Clarke, Robert.
Witnesses: Joseph Potter, Susan F. Ennis, Edwin P. Burdick
BURDICK, Clark – TC 9:3, 2 November 1854 Guardianship, Albert Witter named Guardian
Clark is considered incompetent to manage his affairs. TC 9:17, 5 March 1855, Albert Witter appears before the Council for advice on how to handle money that is owed to Clark from his father, Charles Burdick.
BURDICK, Clarke – PR 3:14 written, “in September or October 1792”, proved 30 November 1792.
Wife, Ruhamah. Brother, Robert. To Clarke White, son of Oliver White. Sisters, Hannah, Susannah, Betsey Burdick. Father, Robert Burdick.
Witnesses: Joseph Clarke, Ethan Maxson, Mrs. Tacy Maxson.
Inventory: PR 3:15 – 22 November 1792 Appraisers: Mr. Oliver Davis, Daniel Babcock
Additional Inventory: PR 3:26 4 November 1793
Receipts PR 3:24 3 June 1793, PR 3:27 4 November 1793 PR 3:55 4 May 1795
Receipts PR 4:134, 22 January 1808, from Betsey Burdick, Receipt PR 4:137, 22 January 1808, Amos
Burdick, PR 4:137, at Brookfield, NY from Peleg & Susannah Langworthy.
BURDICK, Clarissa – PR 7:118 (see also estate of Judith Potter) TC 5:88, 8 November 1826.
Had husband, George Burdick.
BURDICK, Cranston – TC 6:79, 2 October 1835, Voted that Benjamin Thurston be Guardian of the person and estates of Atimissa, Emmeline, Denison P., Dexter, Joel, Sarah, Lucy Ann and Mary E. Burdick, minors and heirs of Cranston Burdick. Application being made by the older brothers of said minors and the said minors living out of state.
BURDICK, Ebenezer – PR 1:68 Will written, 8 August 1764, Proved 22 August 1764
Wife, Mary Son, Dyer (under 21) Daughters, Elizabeth Kinyon and Mary Kinyon
Inventory- PR 1:69Receipts – 2:198, 7 October 1782Receipts – 2:223, 2 May 1785 Submitted by his widow, Mary Burdick. “An account of my troubles in administering on the estate of my husband late of Hopkinton, deceased, to going to (seconet?) twice & expenses, 32 pounds; 2 days to settle with Edward
Wells, 8 pounds, 2 days to settle with Samuel Casey, 8 pounds, 1 ½ days to settle with Col. Reynolds, 6 pounds, 1 day to settle with John Sheldon, 4 pounds, 1 day to settle with Israel Brumbly, 4 pounds, 1 day to settle with men at Iron Works, 4 pounds, 2 days to settle with Mary Lillibridge, 8 pounds, ½ day to settle with Benjamin Maxson, 2 pounds, attending Council and other small affairs, 24 pounds. Total 100 pounds.
BURDICK, Elias – PR 2:173 Administration Inventory 7 June 1780
Appraisers, Abel Tanner, Thomas Cottrell
Administratrix, Elizabeth Burdick, his widow.
Receipts PR 2:204
BURDICK, Elijah – TC 2:113, 21 April 1783, Elijah Burdick appears before the Council and informed them that he suspected sundry evil minded persons was designed to injure either his person or his estate and he believed he was not of a sufficient ability to defeat them. He requested a Guardian be appointed to him, the Council appointed Stephen Maxson as his guardian.
BURDICK, George W. – TC 5:69, 3 January 1825, Jeremiah Thurston appointed Guardian of the person and estate. TC 5:100, 7 January 1828, Whereas Jeremiah Thurston was appointed Guardian of George W. and his wife, Clarissa Burdick. Said Clarissa has obtained a bill of divorce from her husband George, whereas she having obtained all the property the couple owned, Jonathan Hazard now appointed Guardian of Clarissa Burdick.
BURDICK, Hannah – TC 5:57, 2 February 1824, Hannah made choice of Luke Babcock to be her Guardian.
BURDICK, Hannah – PR 5:307 Will written, 9 November 1825, proved 24 April 1826.
Daughter-in-law, Betsey Burdick, widow of her son John H. Burdick. She states she does not name her other children as she has disposed of most of her property. Also, she gives the remainder of her estate to Betsey, “in remembrance of the tender care of the said Betsey gave to me in my old age.”
Witnesses; Joseph Maxson, Christopher C. Lewis, Mary Stillman.
BURDICK, Hannah – PR 8:186 written February 1849 proved 27 January 1851
(widow of Ichabod) Executor, Nathan F. Chipman. Daughters, Hannah Burdick, Martha (Burdick) Chipman.
Witnesses: John S. Champlin, Charles Noyes, Sherman S. Griswold.
BURDICK, Henry – PR 3:118 16 January 1797 Dispute in matter “respecting a boy that Henry
Burdick had Guardianship of.” Little information given.
BURDICK, Horatio – PR 8:139 Administration 5 November 1849
Simeon Kinyon named Administrator
Appraisers: Elnathan W. Babcock, Isaac Cundall, Christopher C. Lewis. Inventory PR 8:130,
29 November 1849. TC 8:72, 5 November 1849, names widow, Thankful L. and minor children, Horatio N., Alfred B. and Edwin R.
BURDICK, Hubbard – PR 1:16 will written – 19 March 1752, Proved 19 April 1758
Sons: Hubbard, Nathan, John, Ezekial Cousin: Hubbard Burdick
Witnesses: John Saunders, Benjamin Stillman, Jeremiah Crandall
Inventory PR 1:20
Wife, Thankful. Mr. Samuel Witter named Administrator.
BURDICK, Ichabod – PR 7:133 Administration, 13 June 1842
Administration requested by Hannah Burdick (widow), Hannah Burdick 2nd, Nathan F. & Martha
Chipman, Isaac C. Burdick and Welcome C. Burdick.
Inventory PR 7:134, 2 September 1842, Appraisers; Joseph Spicer Jr., John S. Champlin, Jesse Brown. Receipts PR 7:172, January 1843, Phineas Stillman for digging grave $1.50, Orrin Doty bill for gravestone(s) $13.00. TC 7:56, 27 February 1843, Deed description appraisal of property.
BURDICK, Jason – TC 5:108, 16 October 1828, Notice is to be posted in several areas about town notifying all persons who may be interested in Jason’s estate to appear in Probate Court on the first Monday of December next. TC 6:3, 15 January 1830, Jason Burdick is to appear before the Council on March 1830 to make choice of a Guardian. TC 6:28, 9 June 1831, Daniel H. Burdick, son of Jason Burdick appears before the Council to state his father is acting imprudently and squandering his property
and is likely to bring himself and his family to want. Perry Shaw is appointed Guardian to Jason Burdick.
BURDICK, Jesse, Cpt. – PR 4:228 – will written, 6 June 1812, proved, 7 September 1812
Sisters; Deborah Tefft, Sarah Maxson. Niece, Caterrinah Kinyon w/o John Kinyon.
Witnesses; Samuel Peckham, Smith Thayer, William Clark, Lydia Clark
Inventory; PR 4:232, 11 September 1812 Appraisers; Alpheus Burdick, Benjamin Kinyon,
John Carpenter. Additional Inventory PR 4:238, 1st Monday November 1812
PR 4:246 – Receipts, 1 February 1813; PR 4:255 Receipts – 24 August 1813,
PR 4:261 – Receipts – 21 December 1813, signed by Sarah Maxson and her husband Peleg
Maxson, 21 March 1814, Deborah Tefft and her husband, Benjamin Tefft.
BURDICK, Joan – PR 1:61 Inventory, 12 December 1763 – TC 1:54 (2nd set pgs.)– 16 January 1764,
Voted that John Robinson have 12 pounds for grave clothes found for Joan Burdick.
TC 1:54(2nd set pgs.) 16 January 1764, Voted that the widow Wells have an order on the Town Treasury
for 42 pounds old tenor for nursing, boarding, rum, bed and other things found for Joan Burdick in her last sickness.
BURDICK, Joel – PR 5:417 will written, 17 May 1828, proved 2 June 1828
Wife, Sarah. To the children of my deceased daughter Alice Burdick. Daughter Eliza Burdick, Amela (Dolly?), Sarah Woodmancy. Sons, Rowland, Cranston, Mumford, Stanton, Joel, Benjamin and Matthew.
Witnesses; Zilnah Burdick, Israel Collins, Susanna Burdick
BURDICK, Johannah – TC 1:45 (2nd set of pgs.) 26 July 1763 – Edward Wells named as Administrator.
BURDICK, John (Rev.) – PR 3:227 will written, 26 August 1800, proved 5 April 1802
Wife, Thankful, (possibly a second wife)
Sons: Jabez, William H., Samuel H., Phineas, Abel, James and John.
John may have use and privilege of certain rooms in the house. “said John not taking in any family or
person that shall be disagreeable to my wife and family.” Daughters: Phebe Burdick, Prudence Stillman. Granddaughter: Prudence Stillman.
Executors; Son, Phineas and “my trusty friend” Caleb Potter.
Witnesses: John Aldrich, Joseph Collins Jr., Caleb Potter.
Receipts: PR 4:124 – 12 September 1803 in Brookfield, New York, signed by sons, Abel Burdick and Phineas Burdick. PR 4:214 – 22 June 1811, in Eastown, NY, receipt from son, Samuel H. Burdick.
Inventory 19 April 1802, Appraisers – Thomas Wells, Abram
Coon, Joseph Spicer. PR 4:1 Additional Inventory, 1 July 1802, PR 4:4 – 15 April 1802, receipt of daughter Phebe Burdick, now the wife of Jonathan Tifft of Stonington, receipt of wife, Thankful, sons, John, William H., and James. Granddaughter Prudence Stillman, daughter & son-in-law Elisha & Prudence Stillman. In Petersburg, NY, receipt of son Jabez Burdick. Phineas Burdick residing in Unadilla County, NY as of 9 February 1803, Receipts PR 4:36 5 March 1804, PR 4:17 6 June 1803.
BURDICK, John – PR 4:211 Inventory 17 July 1811 Appraisers – Potter Sheldon, Joseph
Spicer, William Tanner. Receipts PR 4:228, 6 July 1812
BURDICK, John H. – PR 5:222 will written 29 December 1823, proved 2 February 1824.
Executor, his friend, Christopher C. Lewis. Wife, Betsey. Four beloved sisters, Cynthia White, w/o Oliver White; Hannah Brown, w/o Alpheus Brown; Susannah Langworthy, w/o Peleg Langworthy; and Betsey Burdick. Beloved nephew, Charles C. Burdick, s/o Joshua Burdick. Beloved nephews, Robert and Charles Burdick, sons of Charles Burdick; Amos, Stanton and Robert Burdick, sons of my brother Amos Burdick; John B. Brown, s/o Alpheus Brown; Clarke Burdick, s/o my brother Joshua Burdick.He leaves $100.00 to Harriet Babcock, a black girl that he brought up.
Witnesses; David Stillman; Clarke Hiscox; Mary Stillman.
PR 5:224 Inventory, 2 February 1824 Appraisers; Job B. Clarke, David Stillman, Elnathan W. Babcock.
Estate is insolvent, Commissioners appointed. PR 5:226 George Gavitt charged the estate $7.50 for making a coffin. Receipts PR 5:274, 20 February 1825, PR 5:276, 27 February 1825 in Hopkinton signed by Charles C. Burdick, 27 May 1825 in Brookfield, New York, Peleg and Susannah Langworthy, Simeon and Betsey Clarke, Alpheus and Hannah Brown. In Alfred, New York, 15 May 1825, Cynthia and Oliver White, In Hopkinton, 13 January 1826, by Robert Langworthy, Guardian to Harriet Babcock. Receipts PR 5:303, in Hopkinton, 28 November 1827, signed Robert Burdick, Hopkinton, 6 November 1829, signed Charles Burdick, 27 December 1833 in Hopkinton, signed Clark Burdick.
BURDICK, Joshua – PR 3:199 Inventory 8 September 1800, Appraisers: Abram Coon, Daniel
Babcock, Joseph Spicer, PR 3:207Inventory, 17 November 1800, mentions “the widow.” Appraisers: Abram Coon, Jeremiah Thurston.
Receipts PR 3:209, 26 January 1801, PR 3:238, 1 March 1802 mentions Physicians, William
Wilbur paid $4.73, Amos Collins paid $5.00, Joseph Palmitter paid for the coffin $1.87, William Cottrell for digging a grave $1.00, PR 3:237 3 May 1802, PR 4:19 4 July 1803, PR 4:37, 7 May 1804.
BURDICK, Luke – PR 5:257 will written, 2 November 1824, proved 5 January 1825 in
Linklean, Chenango County, New York. He states he was “of Hopkinton”, and possessed land there.
Sons; Luke Burdick Jr., Jason, James and Benjamin.
Witnesses; Nathan Davidson, James Williams, Philemon Lee.
Inventory PR 5:260, 2 January 1826, Appraisers; Alpheus Burdick, Samuel Crandall, Peleg Maxson Jr.
PR 5:261, 23 January 1826, request in writing by Susannah Burdick, wife of Jason Burdick on behalf of her husband who is in a state of insanity, to remove George Kinyon from being Commisioner on the Insolvent Estate…and replace him with Col. Edward Barber. PR 5:296, 23 January 1826, Receipts and Claims. PR 5:298, a receipt for $1.50 is paid to Stanton Burdick for travel to Probate Court, nine miles and three days attendance. Sarah Kinyon is paid 80 cents for three days attendance. PR 5:298A, 4 December 1826, Nathan Wilbur, Attorney for Jason Burdick asks that Luke Burdick be removed as Executor. January 1, 1826, no one appears to persecute the complaint, the said Jason Burdick is called in default.
BURDICK, Mark (Alias Stiles) – TC 3:27, 7 January 1793, complaints that he conducts himself imprudently in several respects. Josiah Witter is appointed Guardian. TC 3:49, 7 July 1794, David Nichols now appointed Guardian.
BURDICK, Martha – PR 9:75, written 3 January 1855, proved 5 February 1855
Daughter, Almira C. Burdick, wife of Charles C. Burdick. Sister, Mary W. Coon, unmarried.
Witnesses; John M. Barber, Sarah A. Crandall, Mary A. Green
Inventory: PR 9:77, 20 February 1855
BURDICK, Mary – TC 3:75, 7 March 1796, Guardianship. Stephen Kinyon be Guardian to his widowed mother.
BURDICK, Palmer – TC 5:56, 5 January 1824, Thomas Wells appointed Guardian of the persons and estates of Palmer Burdick and his wife.
BURDICK, Palmer – TC 6:17, 6 September 1830, he is asked to chose a Guardian. TC 6:19, 3 January 1831, Palmer Burdick appears and chose to have no Guardian, but promised to put out his children himself.
BURDICK, Peleg – TC 2:89, 5 January 1778, Guardianship. It is determined that he is Non composmentos and it is voted that Col. Jesse Maxson be his guardian. TC 2:113, 21 April 1783, Thomas Wells Esq. was appointed as Guardian.
BURDICK, Peter – PR 3:211 Probate Court Hearing, 1st Monday in April 1801.
Objection to Peter’s Will from the children of his son, Samuel Burdick. They object to his will as it contains erasures, interlined and feel it was altered. Children of Samuel objecting, Luke and Lucy Burdick, Perry and Rebecca Burdick, and Deziah Burdick (spinster), all of Petersburg, NY.
BURDICK, Peter – PR 4:3 Administration – 19 June 1801, Administrator, son, Peter Burdick.
Appraisers; Stephen Kinyon, Zaccheus Maxson, Rowland Crandall.
BURDICK, Robert – PR 3:25 will written 3 November 1783, proved in Petersburg, New York on 4 October 1793 and in Hopkinton on 4 November 1793
Wife, Susannah. Sons, Robert, Ichabod. Daughters, Zilpha, Rebecca Peckham, Susannah Hiscox, Jane Worden, Barbara Davis, Amy Williams, Ester Williams.
Witnesses; John Clarke Jr., Jemima Clarke, Joseph Crandall.
Inventory: PR 3:31 2 December 1793 Appraisers; Joshua Wells 2nd, Joseph Davis Jr., Zaccheus Maxson.
Receipts, PR 4:20 26 January 1794 Sally Hiscox; 21 January 1794, Abel & Rebecca Peckham; in Stonington 20 January 1794, Amos and Jane Crandall; 8 February 1796 Eunice Hiscox (from decd mother Susannah Hiscox’s portion); 12 October 1794, Joseph Hiscox (from decd mother Susannah Hiscox’s portion); 21 January 1794, Joseph and Barbara Davis; 4 February 1794 Joshua and Esther Williams; 7 March 1794 Daniel and Amy Williams; in Stonington 6 July 1795, John and Susanna
Burdick and Martha Hiscox; in Stonington 12 May 1794, Elisha and Esther Burdick (from decd mother Suannah Hiscox’s portion); 2 March 1794 Abel and Zilpha Burdick. In Westerly, 6 November 1793, Elijah Crandall for money owed to Joseph Crandall decd.
BURDICK, Robert – PR 4:92 will written, 29 June 1806, proved 5 January 1807
*Land description
Wife, Hannah. Sons, Robert, Charles, John, Amos, Joshua. Mentions his father, Robert, his brother, Ichabod and land he purchased from Hubbard Burdick. States if his son John dies with no issue, his parcel of property goes to his grandsons, Clarke White son of Oliver White, Clarke Burdick son of Robert
Burdick, Clarke Brown son of Alpheus Brown. He states his son Joshua’s farm is to go to his son, Clarke Burdick upon Joshua’s death. Daughters; Elizabeth (Betsey) Burdick, Cynthia White, Hannah Brown, Susannah Langworthy.
Witnesses; Thomas Coon, Grace Stillman, Caleb Potter.
Inventory PR 4:101,13 January 1807, Appraisers, Daniel Babcock, Benjamin Kinyon, Job B. Clark. Receipts – PR 4:129,130 from Hannah Burdick (widow) from son Robert, 26 January 1807. PR 4:131, 7 March 1808, Bill for work done around the farm for estate. PR 4:140, 14 December 1807. PR 4:147, 6 June 1808.Receipts PR 4:188, 1 January 1810.
BURDICK, Robert written on scrap paper, undated – to Dr. J. H. Merritt, medicine for R.H. Burdick in the last twenty month of his life. $176.00.
BURDICK, Sally – TC 8:46, 1 January 1849 – Gideon Palmer is appointed Guardian of Sally Burdick, widow.
BURDICK, Samuel – PR 3:211 Probate Court Hearing, 1st Monday in April 1801.
Objection to Peter’s Will from the children of his son, Samuel Burdick. They object to his will as it contains erasures, interlined and feel it was altered. Children of Samuel objecting, Luke and Lucy Burdick, Perry and Rebecca Burdick, and Deziah Burdick (spinster), all of Petersburg, NY.
BURDICK, Samuel Park – PR 2:165 Inventory 29 November 1779
Widow, Rebecca
Appraisers, Matthew Wells, Matthew Maxson
BURDICK, Sihan S. PR 8:179 Administration 5 November 1850
Thirza Burdick, widow. Daniel M. Crandall appointed Administrator
Inventory PR 8:180 11 November 1850
Appraisers: George W. Holdredge, D. N. Hall, Gardner S. Kenyon.
BURDICK, Stephen – PR 4:61 Receipts; 3 September 1804 “to Kindal Burdick, Guardian to the Estate
of Stephen Burdick, 70 weeks keeping at $1.00 per week.”
Receipts;PR 4:762 December 1805. Bill PR 4:110 – 20 April 1807, Bill for Guardianship for his
father, signed Kindal Burdick. Inventory as requested by his son, Kindal, father Stephen Burdick referred to as insane. PR 4:134, bill from son Kindal for supporting his father until 7 March 1808. TC 4:98, 6 April 1807, Kindall Burdick, guardian to his honored father who is deranged or insane, appears before the Probate Court to declare his father’s estate insolvent.
BURDICK, William – TC 3:16, 2 July 1792, Moses Barber appointed Guardian to William Burdick, (son to Joseph). TC 3:19, 6 September 1792, Whereas the said William Burdick hath a mind to sell his estate and remove with his family into a distant land and whereas it is the opinion of others besides himself that in doing so it will be to his advantage. Guardianship dismissed.
BURDICK, William – PR 2:248 will written, 29 October 1781, proved 6 August 1787
Wife (unnamed), gives her 1/3 use of the house. Sons; Daniel, Luke, Weight, Perry.
Daughters; Sarah Reed, Mary Burdick
Witnesses: Benjamin Crandall, Stephen Burdick, Francis West.
Inventory: PR 2:250 2 August 1787 Appraisers: Francis West Esq., Cpt. Matthew Maxson
Receipts PR 2:273 23 August 1787, son Luke Burdick of Hopkinton. 27 August 1788, James and Sarah Reed of Lisbon, Connecticut. 8 July 1788, Wait Burdick of Phillipstown, Albany, New York. 23 August 1787, Daniel Burdick of Hopkinton.
BURDICK, William R. – PR 8:131, Administration 5 November 1849
Stephen Burdick appointed administrator. Appraisers: Elnathan W. Babcock, Arnold Hiscox and Maxson Green. Inventory PR 8:132, 12 November 1849. Names Catherine Burdick as widow, and minor son, William Henry Burdick. TC 8:71, 5 November 1849
BURDICK, William H. – TC 9:37, 11 June 1855, his father, William C. Burdick, requests that his son have a Guardian. 2 July 1855, case was dismissed.
BUTTON, Arnold – TC 3:87 – 3 October 1796, William Tanner appointed Guardian of Arnold, David Button, David Button Jr. and Rufus Button.
BUTTON, Benjamin – TC 1:20 – 25 January 1759, Administrator was his father, Matthias Button.
BUTTON, Charles – TC 5:95, 4 June 1827, Voted that Edward Barber be Guardian to the person and estate of Charles Button.
BUTTON, Charles – TC 6:100, 6 March 1837, Complaint made that Charles needs a Guardian as he is not capable of managing his affairs. (unsure whether this is the same Charles as above)
BUTTON, Charles P. – TC 7:54 – 27 February 1843, notation that Benjamin B. Thurston is the
Guardian of Charles. TC 7:66, Account. On paperwork it states “Dr. Charles P. Button.”
BUTTON, Daniel – TC 2:26, 1 February 1773, Cpt. Benjamin Maxson to become a Guardian to Daniel and his wife.
BUTTON, Eli – PR 9:128, 2 October 1855 Administration
Lucretia Button, wife.
Appraisers; Edward Hoxsie, Simon Kenyon, Benjamin Kenyon Inventory PR 9:120, 2 October 1855
BUTTON, Isaiah – TC 2:257, 29 August 1786, Guardian Joseph Witter Jr. appointed, as Isiah was likely to lose part of his estate by making sale of parts of his land if not speedily prevented. TC 2:305, 6 July 1789, Isaiah Button requests permission through his now guardian, John Collins to exchange some lands with Ross Coon. John Collins gives his consent. TC 6:54, 2 December 1833, Isaiah died leaving three sons, Acors Button of Lebanon, CT, George and Eli Button of Hopkinton.
BUTTON, John – TC 3:87, 3 October 1796, Gen. George Thurston appointed Guardian.
BUTTON, John – TC 7:30 – Audit of Guardianship for John Button completed in 5 April 1841. In audit
report, it states, “We then in company of said Guardian have traced the amount up to March 4, 1837 a few days after said Button’s death and find $194.79 due, plus interest.”
BUTTON, John Jr. – TC 5:63, 31 May 1824, Voted Jeremiah Thurston as Guardian of John Button Jr. is hereby ordered to settle with and pay Nathan Edwards for keeping John Button Jr. agreeable to a contract made between the said Edwards and David Stillman as overseer of the poor.
BUTTON, Joseph A. – TC 7:47 30 May 1842, T. T. & E. Barber submitted a bill for $4.00 for a coffin
built for Joseph. No death date given.
BUTTON, Lodowick – TC 5:46, 2 September 1822, Benjamin Langworthy chosen to be Guardian of Lodowick Button. TC 6:17, 6 September 1830, he choses an unnamed Guardian.
BUTTON, Matthias – PR 1:74 Inventory, 6 September 1763 Wife, Mary given letter of Administration.
BUTTON, Rufus – TC 1:85 – 18 November 1765, Guardianship – Whereas Rufus Button of Hopkinton
through misconduct has got into debt and likely to remain so having a wife and child that is likely to be
chargeable to the Town. John Tanner Esq. appointed Guardian. TC 1:139 (2nd set pgs.) 1 January 1770, John Tanner appeared before the Council and stated that Rufus Button had worked for him and by doing so had paid off his debt, and said Tanner would like to be dismissed from his Guardianship, which was granted. TC 2:42, 6 December 1773, Jesse Maxson appointed Guardian to Rufus Button.
BUTTON, Rufus Jr. – TC 3:46, 24 March 1794, Whereas complaint is made to this Council that Rufus Button Jr. conducts himself very imprudently, in a slothful, idle manner. Voted that Cpt. Nathan Barber of Westerly be appointed guardian to said Rufus. TC 3:62, 6 July 1795, Oliver Davis now appointed to be Guardian.
BUTTON, Rufus – PR 3:166 Inventory 14 May 1799 Appraisers: Asa Coon, Benjamin Crandall,
William Sheldon.
PR 3:177, 7 May 1799 Estate insolvent; PR 3:210, 26 February 1801, Division of Land to widow,
Elizabeth. Receipts PR 3:212 6 July 1801
BUTTON, Samuel Jr. – PR 2:127 will written, 8 July 1778, proved 17 July 1778
Will states he is in “very poor state of health.” (his family having the small pox TC 2:103,
15 June 1778) Wife, Sarah, “if she survive the sickness that she is now sick with.”
Sons, Joshua, Nathan, Perry, Joseph Daughters, Susannah, Sarah, Eunice, Lois, Anna
“my beloved friend, Abel Tanner to be Executor”
Witnesses – Jesse Maxson, Oliver Davis, Rowse Babcock.
Inventory – 28 July 1778 PR 2:130 Appraisers Jesse Maxson, Rowse Babcock
Receipts – PR 2:203 “from our honored Father, Samuel Button”
signed Samuel and Mary Wilkinson TC 2:111, 9 November 1778, Joseph Witter Jr paid 2/8/0 for a coffin for said Button who died with the small pox. TC 2:116, 4 January 1779, Ichabod Prosser be allowed 6 pounds from the estate for damages he sustained in moving in the affair of the small pox. TC 2:117, 1 February 1779, Nathan Button, being of proper age, appeared and requested that Abel Tanner be his Guardian.
BUTTON, Samuel – TC 2:177, 7 April 1783 –The Town Council was informed that Samuel, an aged gentleman who is past labor is about to sell his present inheritance which will likely render him in a suffering condition. Abel Tanner appointed Guardian.
BUTTON, Samuel – TC 2:213, 3 January 1785 – Joseph Collins chosen to be Guardian of Samuel who is son to Amos Button. TC 2:265, 5 February 1787, Cpt. Samuel Babcock takes over Guardianship of Samuel.
BUTTON, Samuel – TC 3:14, 4 June 1792, Amos D. Rogers paid 2 pounds for digging Samuel Button’s grave.
BUTTON, Samuel – TC 5:31, 28 August 1821, Jeremiah Thurston appointed Guardian of Samuel Button, who is a Revolutionary War pensioner. TC 6:16, 6 September 1830, Samuel Button requests that Benjamin B. Thurston become his Guardian. TC 6:69, Town Council records state he died 9 April 1834 and had a wife named Hannah.
BUTTON, Samuel Jr. – TC 6:17, 6 September 1830, he choses an unnamed Guardian.
BUTTON, Sanford – TC 7:129 , 7 April 1845, Edward Barber, overseer of the Poor, determines that Sanford Button is intemperate in his habits and is spending his property and needs a Guardian.
TC 7:134,19 May 1845, the complaint against Mr. Button is dismissed.
BUTTON, Stanbury – TC 1:42 – 10 November 1760, Stanbury Button choses Elisha Lewis as
his guardian.
BUTTON, Thomas – TC 6:17, 6 September 1830, he chooses an unnamed Guardian.
BUTTON, Thomas –TC 7:117, 20 January 1845, A complaint made by Edward Barber,
Overseer of the Poor, that Thomas Button is in the practice of intemperance (drunkeness), neglects his family and is likely to spend his property. TC 7:121, 4 February 1845, Thomas Button appears and makes his choice of Joseph Spicer to be his Guardian. (Joseph Spicer is the Tavern Keeper) TC 7:121, February 1845, A summons was issued to Tryphenia Button, Celinda Button and Caroline Button to present evidence in the case of Thomas Button.
TC 7:158, 6 April 1846, Joseph Spicer resigns, he considers the Guardianship unnecessary at this time. TC 7:160, 21 April 1846, Joseph Spicer is relieved of his duties, with Thomas Button appearing and in agreement.
BUTTON, William – TC 2:138, 3 May 1784, Hezekiah Babcock receives a letter of Administration on the estate of William Button, son of Amos Button, late a soldier in the continental Regiment of Rhode Island.
BUTTON, William – TC 6:74, 6 April 1835, Cited to appear before the Town Council to make his choice of Guardian. TC 6:76, 25 May 1835, William Button made his choice of Ray G. Burlingame.