Below are probate records for the Town of Hopkinton for the years 1757 – 1850, with the last names beginning S-Z.
See also probate records A-B • C-H • I-R • S-Z
SABINS, Mariba (nee Lanphere) – TC 15:132, 7 June 1920, was requested to surrender a savings account No. 390 at the Washington Trust Company to the Probate Court.
SAMBO, Thomas and George TC 2 :145, 1 November 1784, Mr. John Phillips requested a letter of Administration for the two mulatto men, deceased and who were late soldiers in the Continental Rhode Island Regiment.
SAMPSON, Barbery – PR 7:174 will written, 1 April 1843, proved 29 May 1843
This woman was a freed slave. Executor, Charles Noyes. Mentions her sister, Mary Stevens. Leaves small amounts of money and few possessions to; Elizabeth Wells, Thomas C. Wells, Edward Spicer, Sally Ann Larkin, Daniel Deshon Jr., and residue divided among the children of William T. Thurston, Asa Potter and Benjamin B. Thurston. Witnesses; Jesse Brown, Horace Thurston, Nancy Taylor.
PR 7:176, 16 June 1843, Inventory, appraisers; Jesse Brown, Joseph Spicer, John S. Champlin. Receipts PR 7:178, Harriet Wells was paid 50 cents for making grave cloths.
SANDERS, Assasinah – TC 5:57, 2 February 1824, George Thurston appointed Administrator of the estate.
SAUNDERS, Daniel – PR 9:7, 10 April 1854, Administration
Wife, Martha, children (under fourteen) Charles F. and Emily P.
Nathan K. Lewis named Administrator.
Appraisers: Elnathan Babcock, George Irish and Christopher C. Lewis Inventory PR 9:9, 12 April 1854
SAUNDERS, Frank – TC 6:118, 28 May 1838, On complaint that a lad by the name of Frank Saunders, son of Nathaniel Hall’s wife, is in need of someone to control him. His mother, Elizabeth Hall, appears at the next Town Council meeting stating her son was sick and could not attend. She requests that no guardianship be required at this time. TC 6:122, 3 September 1838, It is determined that Frank Saunders be bound out until he reaches age 21.
SAUNDERS, Joseph – TC 2:309, 2 November 1789 Whereas the Superior Court of Newport on the third Monday in September authorized William Saunders, Administrator to the estate of Joseph Saunders, cordwainer, to sell the real estate in Hopkinton.
SAUNDERS, Uriah – PR 6:241 Will written, 15 December 1831, proved 6 April 1835
Sons, Benjamin Saunders and Ichabod Saunders. Daughters, Fanny Palmiter and Sarah Crandall. Son-in-law, Lodowick Sisson and daughter Mary Sisson, and their two sons, Uriah S. Sisson and Peleg E. Sisson.
Witnesses; Thomas Brightman Jr., William Stillman Jr., Christopher Chester.
SHEFFIELD, Benjamin – PR 2:270 Will written 13 October 1789, proved, 8 December 1789
Wife, Anne (named as Executrix) Nephews: Ezekial, Joseph & Josias, sons of my brother Ezekial.
Nephew: Benjamin Sheffield Ingraham, son of Benjamin Ingraham of Newport. Niece: Elizabeth Peckham, wife of Barber Peckham.
Mentions: Real estate in Hopkinton and Charlestown.
Executors: Edward Perry of Richmond (he declines) Nathan Saunders (my brother-in- law) he is at sea.
Witnesses: Edward Wells, Henry Joslin, Perry Burdick.
SHEFFIELD, Ruth – TC 5:73, 4 April 1825, It is voted that Lewis Collins be Guardian of the person and estate of Ruth Sheffield.
SHELDON, Thomas – PR 5:286 Administration, 17 November 1825, requested by Simon Kinyon.
Widow, Rhoda. Inventory PR 5:287 November 1825, appraisers; Matthew Stillman,
Thomas Brightman Jr., John D. Langworthy. Additional Inventory PR 5:289, 13
February 1826. Claims PR 5:309, 8 April 1826. Caleb Coon was paid $1.00 for digging the grave.
SHELDON, William – PR 3:122 will written 8 February 1797, proved 2 October 1797
“being sick and in poor health”
Wife, Susannah and “for her children which she had when I married her.”
Sons, Potter, William Jr., Asa, Foster, Thomas. (Thomas under 21)
Daughters, Polly, Sarah. (Sarah under 18) Two youngest children, Thomas, Sarah.
Witnesses: Asa Coon, William Tanner, Abram Coon.
Inventory: PR 3:124 taken 25 September 1797
SISSON, William – TC 9:128, 6 January 1857, John N. Sisson came before the Council and requested if the Council would aid as the Law directs in the case of William Sisson who is now insane. He is sent to Butler Hospital.
SLAY, Jonas – TC 1:94, 27 May 1766; George Babcock is reimbursed for keeping Jonas in his
sickness and paying for his funeral charges.
SLOCUM, Azariah – PR 5:342 Administration, 1 January 1827. Ethan Foster named Administrator.
PR 5:343 Inventory, 5 January 1827 appraisers; Joseph Spicer, Joseph Spicer Jr, William Tanner. The widow Deborah Slocum is allowed $175.00 from the inventory. Minors under fourteen, Ebenezer and Hannah made choice of Joseph Spicer Jr. to be their Guardian. Ethan Foster appointed to be guardian of minors under fourteen, Samuel and Lucy Slocum. Division of Property TC 5:188, 14 April 1829. Land partly in RI and partly in CT. States the widow Deborah is now the wife of Richard Slocum. Equal parts to heirs, Hannah Slocum Lucy Slocum, Samuel Slocum, Nancy Maine, Azariah Slocum, Ebenezer Slocum, Harriet Maine and Deborah Slocum. TC 7:162, 21 April 1846, Attorney James Slocum, Attorney for Lucy and Azariah Slocum has received from Joseph Spicer, Guardian, $100.00 due Lucy Slocum as part of her estate.
*Land Description Kuehn Road?
SLOCUM, Samuel – PR 5:267 will written, 23 January 1824, proved 5 July 1825.
*Land Description. Wife, Soffa. Son, Azariah, Ebenezer, Richard, William. Grandsons, Samuel Slocum,
Stephen Slocum. Daughters, Polly Crandall, Nancy Morey, Nabby Maine, Sally Lewis, and children of deceased daughter, Ruth Lewis.
Witnesses; John Fry, Deborah Fry, Isaac Wilbur. Division of Real Estate PR 5:271, 8 May 1826.
[Note: 1st wife was Hannah Tew, they had one son, Peleg. Hannah died 1787 in
Hopkinton. Information from family member, Michael Ford (2008)]
SLOCUM, Sophia – TC 6:47, 27 May 1833, Guardianship of widow. Amos Main appeared before the Town Council and agreed to become her guardian.
SPENCER, Thankful C. – PR 9:110, written 29 April 1854 proved 23 April 1855
of North Stonington, Connecticut. Husband John Spencer.
Witnesses; Isaac Collins, Rachel Collins, Thankful Kenyon
STANBROUGH, James – PR 8:4, written 27 June 1843, proved 22 March 1847
He bequeaths a trust to Benjamin B. Thurston for his beloved son James Stanbrough Jr and his wife Hannah, all my real estate. If James and his wife should die, the trust descend to my granddaughter Eliza Main, wife of Henry Main.
And further I would say the reason of my not giving my other children anything is that they left me early in life and had the benefit of their own earnings and wherefore my son James has been with me and his good mother and by his accepting the written named gifts is all I can do for him in consideration of his faithful service.
Witnesses: Joseph Spicer, Amos S. Main, Charles Noyes
Inventory PR 8:7, 22 March 1847 Appraisers; John S. Champlin, Jesse Brown, Charles Noyes
STANBURY, John – PR 2:276 Will written 9 March 1789, proved 1 March 1790
Wife: Patience Sons: James & John Daughters: Patience Noyce, Sarah Tifft, Abigail Stanbury.
Witnesses: Jonathan Rogers, Peter Main, Mary Main
Inventory PR 2:277, 29 September 1789 Appraisers: Samuel Slocum, Cary Crandall
STILES, Israel – TC 2:324, 6 May 1791, Mr. Joshua Coon Jr. was appointed Guardian.
Receipts: PR 3:162 3 June 1799, receipt 25 October 1798 from daughter Mary Lewis,
Receipts PR 3:177 20 September 1799. Receipts PR 3:192 7 April 1800, PR 4:2 23 February 1802
Foster Sheldon received his share of his fathers estate from Potter Sheldon. Receipts PR 4:204, 15 September 1810, “from my honored father, signed Sary (Sarah?) Lewis” Division of Property (with map) PR 4:251, 5 July 1813
STEWARD, Harriet – see Harriet Babcock
STILES, Israel – PR 3:1 Will written 5 May 1791, proved 11 August 1791
Son; Israel Daughters; Hannah Hitchcock, Mary Stiles.
Witnesses; Josiah Witter, Joshua Coon Jr., James Crandall Jr.
Inventory: PR 3:2 17 July 1791 Receipts: PR 3:7 4 June 1792
STILES, Mark – see Mark Burdick.
STILLMAN, David – Administration, 25 March 1851.
Nancy Stillman – widow. Heirs sign off, Sophia Wells, David Stillman, John and Mary Crandall, Ephraim Stillman, Lucy Maxson, Peter C. and Eliza Wells.
STILLMAN, Elizabeth – PR 9:81, written 9 November 1845, proved 5 February 1855
“of feeble health, but of sound mind”
Brothers, John Nichols, Luke Nichols Nieces, Emily Nichols and Fanny L. Coon. Sister, Annie Coon, wife of Abram Coon. (she leaves her sister $1.00, “the reason I give her no more, is that I fear she would never get it.” Four sisters, Desire Maxson, Martha Rogers, Mary Edwards and Sarah Langworthy.
Eliza Crandall, wife of Samuel Crandall Jr.,(no relationship given)
Witnesses; Daniel Irish, Mary Irish, Lucy Babcock
Inventory: PR 9:84, 5 February 1855.
STILLMAN, Elisha – PR 3:78 written 8 April 1795, proved 5 September 1796
Wife, Elizabeth (seems to be a second wife) Sons, Samuel, Matthew, Elisha, Amos, William, Ethan, Willet, Daughters, Martha Stillman, Judith Coon, Elizabeth Kinyon, Hannah Burdick, Polly Stillman.
“Whereas in my intermarriage with Deacon Elisha Stillman, late of Hopkinton, deceased, made his last will & testament & gave me certain articles as therein described in lieu of what the law would give one and upon the approbation of the said will, and duly considering the subject matter thereof I conclude to retain what the law will give me, as my Right of Dower & Power of Thirds in lieu of what is given me in said will as aforesaid.” Elizabeth Stillman.
Witnesses: Caleb Potter, Caleb Potter Jr., Polly Potter.
Inventory: PR 3:80 31 August 1796
Receipts PR 4:74 2 September 1805 – received in Bristol, 11 January 1805, $10.00 signed Ethan Stillman; received in Whiteston, 10 October 1800, 5 shillings signed Willet and Zerviah Stillman; received in Farmington, 11 January 1803, 5 shillings signed Amos Stillman; received in Hopkinton, 16 November 1801, $40.00, John and Polley Cottrell; received in Petersburgh, NY, 29 September 1800, $43.00, Jonathan Palmeter and Martha
STILLMAN, Elisha – PR 4:299 Inventory – 11 March 1818
Appraisers; Samuel G. Tracy, Christopher Saunders
STILLMAN, Matthew – PR 6:304 , will written, 28 January 1838, proved 2 April 1838
Widow, Elizabeth. Mentions his friend, Eliza Crandall, wife of Samuel Crandall Jr. His friend Stephen W. Kinyon. His friend Emily Nichols, daughter of George Nichols of New York, deceased, a lot of land in Genesee, New York. His friend, Matthew Stillman, son of his brother Willet Stillman, deceased. His friend, Asa Nichols, son of George Nichols, of New York, deceased. His three brothers, Elisha, William, and Ethan
Stillman. Witnesses; Rebecca Langworthy, David Langworthy
Inventory PR 6:307, 18 April 1838, Appraisers; Luke Nichols, John D. Langworthy, George S. Kinyon.
SWEET, Thomas – PR 1:63 Will written – 24 May 1763, Will proved 7 July 1763
Wife – Tabathy Eldest daughter: Margaret Gifford, daughter Rener Card,
Sons: Caleb, Libbeus and youngest son, Thaddeus.
Witnesses: John Worden, Darvill Austin, Lawton Palmer
Inventory – PR 1:65 5 July 1763
TANNER, Elisabeth – PR 3:208 Will written, 13 October 1794, Proved 6 April 1801.
States she is the widow of Francis Tanner. Sons, Isaac, Josiah, William, Joshua.
Daughters, Dorcas Hopkins, Susannah Brown.
Witnesses: William & Susannah Sheldon, Asa Sheldon, Abel Tanner.
Inventory: PR 3:211, 30 June 1801, Appraisers: Moses Barber, Levi Totten, Zaccheus Maxson.
TC 3:181, 26 March 1801, Francis Brown named administrator of his grandmother’s estate.
TANNER, Francis – PR 2:64 Will written – 22 October 1776, Proved 20 January 1777
Wife, Elizabeth Sons: Josiah, Isaac, William, Joshua
Daughters: Amy, Dorcas, Susannah
Mentions a farm that he formerly lived on in South Kingstown he gives to his son Nathan which
partially abuts his brother Benjamin’s farm, a farm he bought from his brother Nathan that was in South Kingstown and gives to son Isaac, gives his wife items that her father gave to her, mentions a negro girl, Cloe and a negro boy, Quom.
* Land Description
Witnesses: William Tifft, Francis West, Abel Tanner
Codicil: Witnesses, Abel Tanner, Nathan Tanner
Inventory: PR 2:72 9 January 1777 Appraisers: Abel Tanner, Joseph Witter Jr.
TANNER, John – PR 2:5 Will written – 13 December 1771, Proved – 2 March 1772
Wife – Mary Sons: Nathan, John, Stephen Daughters: Hannah, Mary, Esther, Ruth
Mentions all children under 21 years of age.
Comments: mentions family farm of 110 acres which is on both sides of the Highway,
some or all land which he bought of Francis Tanner.
Executor & Friend – Thomas West
Witnesses: Francis Tanner, Samuel Button Jr., Simeon Perry
Inventory: PR 2:8 – 2 March 1772
TANNER, John – PR 2:267 Receipts 2 March 1789
TANNER, Joseph – PR 3:83 will dated 6 September 1796, proved 3 October 1796
Wife, Nancy. Son, Joseph (under 21) Daughter Polly Tanner, her inheritance to be delivered by her grandfather, Daniel Burdick. A gold necklace and wearing apparel that was his first wife’s to be given to her. Daughter Susannah (under 18)
Wife Nancy may only have the use of the house for five years after her husband’s death.
Witnesses: Samuel Witter, Caleb Potter, Zebulon Weaver.
Inventory: PR 3:87 28 September 1796 Appraisers: Joseph Witter Jr., Caleb Potter
Receipts: PR 3:101, 121, 136 Auction: PR 3:114 “articles sold at vandue…amounted to 4 pounds 12 shillings and 11 pence. Receipts PR 4:279, 280 – 2 September 1814, in Brookfield, NY, signed Susannah Tanner.
TANNER, Joseph TC 3:86, 3 October 1796, Daniel Burdick of Stonington, CT, appointed Guardian to his grandson Joseph Tanner (son of Joseph Tanner) until he is fourteen years old.
TANNER, Mary – PR 4:128 Inventory 2 December 1807. Met at Paul Lewis’ house to take
inventory. Appraisers: Aaron Kinyon, Thomas Clarke Jr., Ichabod Burdick.
Receipts PR 4:140 4 April 1808
TANNER, Nathan – PR 2:149 Will dated 26 October 1778; proved 4 January 1779
Mentions: sons Nathan and John (under 21) his trusty friend & brother-in-law, Jonathan West.
Bequeaths “The Young Man’s Best Companion and my Erithmaticke book.”
Witnesses; Thomas West, Asa Coon, Francis West
Inventory: PR 2:151 31 December 1778 Appraisers: William Tanner, Abel Tanner
TANNER, Polly /Mary – TC 4:111, 29 November 1807, Dr. William Wilbur have a letter of Administration on the estate of Polly, late of Hopkinton, (daughter of Joseph Tanner, deceased)
TANNER, William Cpt. – PR 6:1 Administration, 6 April 1829. Elias Tanner appointed appraiser.
Appraisers; Francis B. Segar, Thomas Brightman Jr., and Christopher C. Lewis.
Inventory: PR 6:1, 20 April 1829, mentions the widow, Elizabeth Tanner. Map of land PR 6:5
TAYLOR, Aaron – PR 3:37 will dated, 6 August 1793, proved 6 January 1794
Daughters, Rebecca, (under age 16) Sons, John, Aaron, Thomas (all under 21)
He leaves his son Thomas in the care of Nathan Sheffield and he should learn the trade of
cordwainer. He leaves his son Aaron in the care of his Uncle Amos Wage. He leaves
Rebecca in the care of her Uncle Joseph Thurston. He appoints his brother, Sanford Taylor
and his brother-in-law, Joseph Thurston to be his Executors.
Witnesses: Josiah Witter, Betsey Lewis, Caleb Potter.
Inventory: PR 3:42 6 January 1794 Appraisers: Joseph Witter, Abram Coon
Receipts: PR 3:55 7 September 1795
TAYLOR, Benjamin (Major) – PR 4:33 Inventory 13 September 1803 (Inventory appears to reflect
that his trade was that of a hat maker.) Appraisers; Thomas Wells, Abram Coon, Joseph Spicer.
Administrator – George Thurston. Receipts PR 4:38, August 1803, PR 4:38, 7 May 1804,
PR 4:50 5 November 1804, PR 4:53, 18 December 1804 (Division of Land)
Receipts PR 4:76 6 January 1806
Receipts/Bill PR 4:83 written on 22 May 1804, presented to the Court 2 June 1806
TAYLOR, Betsey – TC 4:55, 3 June 1805, made choice of her Uncle, Col. Jeremiah Thurston, to be her Guardian.
TAYLOR, Thomas W. – TC 4:143, 6 November 1809, Dr. William Wilbur was appointed Guardian to Thomas (a minor)
THAYER, Russell TC 7:93, 1 April 1844. Guardianship of his children who are minors; Russell A.,
Horace F., Mary E. and Benjamin S. Thayer.
THAYER, Russell – PR 8:215, 27 October 1851 Administration
Nathan K. Lewis and Samuel N. Richmond
Inventory PR 8:216 31 October 1851, Appraisers, Gorton W. Arnold, John Fenner 2nd, Almon Godfrey
Receipts PR 8:219 – Doc. John Collins, $26.58, Funeral expenses $36.92.
TC 8:146, 5 January 1852, Children of Russell Thayer make choice of Samuel Richmond as their Guardian,
Benjamin S. Thayer and William O. Thayer, William being under fourteen.
THURSTON, Clarke – TC 4:147, 2 April 1810, a minor, son of late Joseph Thurston, made choice of his brother, John T. Thurston to be his Guardian.
THURSTON, George – PR 5:386 will written, 3 May 1806 proved, 7 January 1828.
Wife, Sarah. Sons, Jeremiah, Nathaniel, George, Jr. Daughters, Mary Taylor, widow of Benjamin, Susannah, Nancy, Sarah and Fanny Thurston. Gives his wife the services of his unnamed negro girl until she reaches the age of 25. Granddaughter, Betsey Taylor.
Witnesses; Thomas Noyes, Joseph Noyes, Samuel Bliven.
Codicil PR 5:387, 6 December 1815, names daughters Susannah, Nancy and Fanny, does not mention daughter Sarah. He leaves $1,000.00 to each daughter in the United States Loan Office in Providence and fifteen shares each in the Narragansett Bank and ten shares in the Washington Bank to his wife. He leaves $2,000.00 to his
granddaughter, Elizabeth Clarke, daughter of Sarah, when she arrives at the age of 18 years. Names his brother, Gardner. Witnesses; Betsey Burdick, Lodowick L. Thurston, John Wilbur.
Codicil PR 5:389, 28 February 1825, his wife Sarah and his son, Nathaniel, are now deceased, he leaves greater portions of his estate to his heirs. He states that his grandson, Whitman Thurston, son of Nathaniel, does not receive anything until he pays back a note of hand. Witnesses; Thomas Clark, William Tanner, John Wilbur
Codicil PR 5:390, 21 April 1826, he states that the money that is owed to him from Stephen Whitman of Exeter, be paid to the heirs of his deceased son, Nathaniel Thurston. Witnesses; Mary Ann Thurston, Abby Spicer, John Wilbur
Proof of Will, PR 5:391, 7 January 1828, mentions witnesses to the first Codicil are deceased except for Joseph Noyes who lives in another state. Second Codicil witness Betsy Burdick is now Betsey Carr. All other witnesses present.
Inventory PR 5:393, 1 April 1828, Appraisers; Joseph Spicer, Joseph Spicer Jr., William Tanner. Inventory includes rugs for floors and carpeting for the stairs, curtains in every room and shares in the Hopkinton and Richmond Turnpike Road. Receipts PR 5:399, 400, In New London, 9 October 1828, Daniel and Frances (Fanny) Deshon. In Hopkinton, 6 September 1828, signed Susan and Ann Thurston. PR 5:401, children of the late Nathaniel Thurston, late of Exeter, son of George Thurston; Stephen and Deborah Dexter and Albert and Abby Sherman, and George N. Thurston.
THURSTON, George Jr., PR 5:404, 27 February 1828, Administrator named Jeremiah Thurston.
Inventory PR 5:405, 14 March 1828. Account of Sales PR 5:406.
Receipts PR 5:407, (as heirs in law) In Hopkinton, 3 March 1828, signed Whitman Thurston, In Pawtucket, No. Providence, 10 April 1828, signed Albert and Abby Sherman. In Lisbon, (CT?), 4 March 1828, signed Stephen and Deborah Dexter. In Hopkinton, 8 April 1828, signed Susan and Ann Thurston, In Hopkinton, 21 May
1828, signed Daniel and Frances T. Deshon. PR 5:410, 1 March 1830, George Perry appeared on Jeremiah Thurston’s behalf, stating he was in poor health. On 5 April 1830, Benjamin B. Thurston appeared to inform the Court that Jeremiah Thurston had died. Receipts PR 6:196, 13 December 1833, signed Thomas P. and Saran E. Wells.
THURSTON, George N., (an adult), Alfred and Edwin (minors) The Guardian of said persons,
Perserved Hall of Exeter, signs off on the receipt of $825.00 from the estate of their Uncle George Thurston, on 9 April 1829.
THURSTON, Jeremiah – PR 6:36, Administration, Benjamin B. Thurston appointed, 5 April 1830.
Requested in writing by Sally Thurston, (widow) Mary Ann Thurston, Benjamin B. Thurston, Benjamin B. Thurston Jr. on behalf of Caroline, Franklin and Harris Thurston. PR 6:37, 22 April 1830, Inventory of the Watch Hill Farm owned jointly by Jeremiah Thurston and Elisha Babcock. Inventory of clothes and of his house in Hopkinton, PR 6:38, Pr 6:44 – 60, Inventory of goods in store, PR 6:71, Inventory of shares of Bank stock amounting to $35,690.00, PR 6:82, 7 January 1833, Receipts of Susan Thurston, $699.87, Nancy Thurston, $699.87 and Sarah E. Wells, $699.87.
THURSTON, Joseph – PR 4:186 Inventory – 1 January 1810 Appraisers; Josiah Witter, Peleg
Babcock, James Wells Jr. Receipts PR 4:222, 6 January 1812, PR 4:232, 7 September 1812. Receipts PR 4:261, 3 January 1814, Receipts PR 4:300 – 14 May 1810 in Hopkinton…signed George Thurston. Receipts PR 4:321, 5 October 1818 signed James and Sally Dickinson, In Hopkinton 6 November 1818 signed Lodowick L. Thurston.
THURSTON, Lodowick – TC 4:147, 2 April 1810, a minor, son of Joseph Thurston, deceased, made choice of his brother, John T. Thurston as his Guardian.
THURSTON, Nancy – PR 8:64 Will written 11 January 1834, proved 27 July 1848
Sister, Susan Thurston, Sarah Wells, wife of Thomas Wells, Daniel Deshon Jr. son of my deceased sister Francs Deshon, Abby Sherman wife of Albert Sherman, Deborah Dexter wife of Stephen Dexter, Stephen Whitman Thurston, Mary Potter wife of Asa Potter, Eliza and Sarah Potter, daughters of Asa Potter, Caroline Thurston wife of William T. Thurston, mentions late brother, Jeremiah Thurston, Eliza Palmer, Eliza Thurston, daughter of Caroline Thurston, nephews Benjamin B. Thurston, Horace Thurston, Franklin Thurston, Alfred Thurston, Edwin Thurston. Twenty five dollars to Benjamin Thurston Jr., and his brother George Edward Thurston. My cousins, Hannah, Nancy, and Ruth Taylor.
Support to Barbary Sampson, a colored lady living with us.
Witnesses; Rowse Babcock Jr., Hannah Taylor, Charles Noyes.
Inventory PR 8:71, 4 September 1848
THURSTON, Sarah – PR 7:71 Will written, 26 June 1840, codicil written 20 February 1841, proved 8 March 1841.
Sons; Benjamin B. Thurston, Horace Thurston, Franklin Thurston
Daughters; Mary Ann Potter, Caroline Thurston, Eliza, (Asa Potter to keep in trust the “Babcock” farm that Sarah inherited from her father) Granddaughter; Sarah T. Potter
Witnesses to Will; Susan Thurston, Charles Noyes, Edwin Babcock.
Witnesses to Codicil; John Wilbur, Susan Thurston, Charles Noyes
Inventory PR 7:76, 26 March 1841 appraisers; Jesse Brown, Lyndon Taylor, Charles Noyes.
PR 7:86, 4 May 1875, Benjamin B. Thurston turns a trust over to Horace Thurston Jr. of Providence, RI.
THURSTON, Susan – TC 7:180, 10 May 1841. Codicil to Will.
Calls this Codilcil #2. Be it therefore known that my Will not be proved to the Probate Court until after the decease of my sister, Ann Thurston, and that my estate in every kind and to be in her control, and for her use and profit until her decease. On 15 February 1847, the codicil was considered by the Probate Court as Susan Thurston had deceased.
PR 8:50, will written, 11 January 1834, proved 27 July 1848
Sister; Nancy Thurston; Names Benjamin B. Thurston and Lyndon Taylor trustees of bank stock to distribute to the following people, to Sarah E. Wells, wife of Thomas P. Wells; Daniel Deshon Jr., (under 21) son of my late sister Frances Deshon; Abby Sherman, wife of Albert Sherman. Other items distributed to Sarah E. Wells, Mary Ann Potter, wife of Asa Potter, Caroline Thurston, wife of William T. Thurston, mentions late brothers Jeremiah and George Thurston, Eliza Potter, daughter of Asa Potter, Deborah Dexter, wife of Stephen Dexter, Nephews Benjamin B. Thurston, Horace Thurston, Franklin Thurston, Alfred Thurston, Edwin Thurston, Benjamin Thurston Jr., George Edward Thurston, Daniel Deshon. Cousins Hannah, Nancy and Ruth Taylor.
Susan Thurston provides support for “our” colored woman Barbary Sampson during her lifetime.
TIKENS, Charlotte – PR 7:185, Administration, 20 October 1843, Josiah Witter named
Administrator. Appraisers; Elisha Saunders, William Langworthy, Pardon Lewis.
PR 7:186, 30 October 1843, “whereas the heirs of the said estate have made a compromise
with said administrator and have sold their right to said estate of Albert Witter”
TOPLIS, Ralph TC 1:47 – Administration, 5 January 1761, Cpt. John MacCoon named
Administrator. TC 1:51, 5 March 1761, a written will was presented to the Town Council and “it is
therefore the opinion of this council as said will or writing being presented before this Council that it is of no value in law and therefore disallowed by this Council.”
TC 1:63 (2nd set pgs.) – 24 July 1764, John Coon (now called Coon) has neglected or refused to
submit an accounting to the Court and the Court is revoking his Letter of Administration.
UTTER, Abraham – PR 2:292 Will written 9 May 1791, proved 26 May 1791
“My intermarriage with one Sarah Peckham.” Sarah had a daughter Eunice, when she married Abraham, Eunice under age 18. “My beloved wife, Nancy Utter. My father, Abraham Utter to sell my land in Balltown, Albany Co., New York.”
Brothers; John and William. Sisters; Sarah Larkin, Hannah Tanner, Avis Utter, Eunice Utter, Keziah Utter, Esther Utter, Elizabeth Utter, “Each one to receive their portions when they arrive to lawful age.” Nephew; Robert Larkin. Niece; Hannah Larkin. Executors; Father Abraham Utter, father-in-law Charles Crandall.
Witnesses; Israel Lewis, Welthy Lewis, Abel Tanner.
Inventory – PR 2:293 25 May 1791. Appraisers; Abel Tanner, George Thurston Jr.
Includes a ticket in the city lottery worth 9 shillings.
Additional Inventory PR 3:19
Receipts PR 3:48, 49, 50, 52, 101 various dates from 1792 through 1794 in the town of Petersburgh, New York. Signed by Benjamin Randall, Charles Crandall, Kezia Utter, Nathaniel Plumb, Eunice Utter, William and Hannah Tanner.
UTTER, Abram – PR 4:238 Will written, 29 December 1804, Proved, 18 January 1813
Wife, Hannah. Sons; John, William (son John had a joiners shop in Hopkinton City which his father gives to
him) Daughters; Hannah Tanner, Ruth Utter (unmarried), Avis King, Eunice Wheeler, Keziah Covey, Esther Palimeter, Betsey Lewis. Grandson; Abram Larkin son of Sarah Larkin, deceased. Granddaughter; Eunice/Lois Utter, daughter of deceased son, Abram Utter.“and my will is that the man who shall preach my funeral shall have one dollar out of my personal estate. Witnesses; Mary Johnson, Prudence Coon, Abram Coon.
PR 4:243 Inventory, 10 March 1813 Appraisers; William Wilbur, William Tanner, Isaac Coe.
VINCENT, Nicholas – PR 4:291-295 Inventory – 17 June 1817
Appraisers; George Kenyon, Benjamin Crandall, Peleg Maxson Jr.
“my deceased husband…Anna Vincent”
Additional Inventory PR 4:298 – 21 November 1817
PR 4:304, List of Auctioned goods, 11 July 1817.
Division of Land PR 4:307 – 8 April 1818, to widow, Anna Vincent.
Division of Land PR 4:313 – 8 June 1818; Lot 1 – Clark Vincent, Lot 2 – Susannah Cheesebrough, Lot 3 – Temperance Davis, Lot 4 – Jane Coon, Lot 5 – Abigail Burdick, Lot 6 – Betsey Crandall, Lot 7 – Nicholas Vincent, Lot 8 – Sylvia Stedman, Lot 9 – Nancy Saunders.
Committee to Survey; Samuel Peckham, George Kinyon 2nd
Receipts PR 4:327 – 10 August 1820
VINCENT, Nicholas – PR 8:267 1 November 1852 Administration
William C. Vincent named Administrator. PR 8:268, 10 November 1852, Inventory.
WEAVER, Zebulon – PR 3:148 will written 17 October 1798, proved 3 December 1798
Wife, unnamed Sons; John Hoxsie Weaver, Zebulon (under 21), Joshua (under 21)
Daughters “my said wife have the care and labor of my daughter Dorcas until she arrive at the age of ten years” daughters; Anna (support until the spring of 1799) Ruth (under 18), Lydia (under 18)
“I appoint my trusty friend and cousin Thomas Wilbur, Guardian to my son John Hoxsie Weaver. I appoint my trusty friend and cousin William Wilbur, guardian to sons Zebulon and Joshua.”
Witnesses: Thomas Wilbur, William Wilbur, Caleb Potter.
Inventory PR 3:150 23 November 1798
WEIGHT, John – TC 2:128, 9 March 1784. A complaint was made that John Weight conducts himself imprudent by which means himself, wife and children is likely to become chargeable to the Town. William Tanner 2nd, Esq. appointed Guardian. TC 2:140, 1 June 1784, John Weight be discharged from his Guardianship.
WEIGHT, John & Mary – TC 6:38, 2 April 1832, both parties noticed to appear before the Town Council to chose Guardians for themselves.
WEIGHT, Thomas – PR 1:23 Will written-31 May 1758, Will proved 9 October 1758
Wife – Bridget Sons: Pain, Joseph, John, Job. Daughters – Susannah, Sarah, Grace, Thankful. All children under age 21.
Witnesses: Benjamin Weight, Dorcas Weight, Amy Brown.
WELLS, Albert – PR 9:298 2 November 1858 Administration
Wife, Catherine.
Inventory: PR 9:299, 8 November 1858, appraisers, Samuel Crandall, Jedediah Kenyon, William C. Crandall
WELLS, Alfred – PR 9:113, 4 June 1855 “of Waterford, Connecticut.” Administration
WELLS, Barker – PR 2:175 Will written 10 May 1780, proved 3 July 1780
Wife, Rebecca. Daughter Susannah (under 18) Sons; Clarke, John and Barker (Barker under 21)
“Leaves negro girl, Sillar”
Witnesses; James Wells, Oliver Davis, Simeon Burdick
Inventory PR 2:177, taken 18 June 1780
Receipts PR 3:24 3 June 1793 (part of this is a portion that he gave to daughter Susannah,
signed for by Robert Brown Jr.)
WELLS, Cesar – PR 2:213 (a negro man) Inventory 28 December 1783
Appraisers: Lt. Josiah Witter, Caleb Potter
Receipts: PR 2:223 19 January 1785 – mentions wife Abigail
PR 2:240 6 February 1786, Abigail received 26/6/9 from Stephen Potter
WELLS, Clarke – PR 2:214A Inventory 16 November 1796
Wife: Betsey Wells named Administratrix
Inventory: PR 3:106, this inventory dated 5 March 1796, but presented to the Town Council
on 16 November 1796, records state “Mrs. Elizabeth Wells personally appeared.”
Appraisers: Oliver Davis, Jesse Maxson.
Receipts: PR 3:127 10 March 1797 calls wife “Elizabeth Wells.” Paid Doctor Daniel Lee
7/4/7 for his services. PR 3:141, 6 August 1798, receipts for services as Commissioner and
the sale of land. PR 3:151 2 December 1798 wife Elizabeth received 52/15/0.
WELLS, Daniel Lee – TC 4:208, 6 February 1815, Daniel (a minor) son of Edward S. Wells, chose his brother James Wells 2nd, to be his Guardian.
WELLS, Edward – PR 1:72, written, 20 December 1764, proved 17 December 1765
Wife: Elizabeth Sons: Randall Wells, Thomas Wells, Edward Wells, David Wells, Matthew
Wells. He leaves son, Randall Wells his Smith tools.
Daughters: Sarah Wells, and two others unnamed.
Grandson: Stephen Wells, *mentions ¼ acre for burying place, which is on Grandson Stephen Wells property.
Witnesses; Joshua Wells, Thompson Wells, John Maxson Jr.
Inventory PR 1:75, 4 & 5 December 1765, includes Carpenter tools, a right in a Cider Mill, shoemaker’s tools.
WELLS, Edward – PR 4:77 Administrator, Tacy Wells, appeared before the Court 10 March 1806,
Appraisers, Daniel Babcock, Peleg Babcock, Elias Burdick.
PR 4:108 – 6 April 1806 Commissioners Report. Receipts PR 4:269, 271, 6 February 1815.
WELLS, Elnathan, Cpt. – PR 4:42 Will written, 2 July 1804, Proved 20 August 1804
Cpt. Peleg Babcock “my trusty friend” to be Executor.
Gives his nephew Elnathan Wells Babcock “real estate, it being one half of the farm that was my father’s, Jonathan Wells.” Mentions Peleg Babcock and his wife Elizabeth, who is the mother of Elnathan. Nephew Peleg Babcock Jr. Peleg Babcock’s three daughters, Polly, Hannah and Lucy. “And my will is that my said Executor provide a reasonable support for Lydia Rogers, who is now my housekeeper, until said Elnathan shall come into possession of the real estate which I have given him, then my will is that the said Elnathan shall support her for the rest of her natural life.”
Witnesses; Daniel Babcock, William Robinson, Hannah Wilbur
Inventory PR 4:43 27 August 1804, Appraisers; Joseph Witter, Daniel Babcock, Fones Palmer.
WELLS, Henry M. – PR 9:220 3 August 1857 Administration
Administrator – Charles Noyes
Appraisers: Benjamin Thurston, Jesse Brown, John Foster Inventory – PR 9:221 – 14 August 1857
WELLS, James – PR 2:133 Will written 16 May 1773, Proved 7 December 1778
A letter of Administration given to Joshua Wells Jr. on the personal estate of his father, James Wells, late of Hopkinton, deceased, TC 2:114, 7 December 1778.
Wife, Mary Sons, James, Joshua, Barker and Peter. Daughter, Barbary Noyes, wife of James
Bequeaths his negro girl, Rose, to his wife (who was listed in his inventory as being worth 120 English pounds) and his negro boy, Braver, to his son, Barker.
Witnesses: Nathan Burdick, Sylvanus Burdick, Joseph Crandall
Inventory PR 2:136 – 26 November 1778
Appraisers: Robert Burdick, Oliver Davis
Receipts: PR 2:222 – 1 November 1784
WELLS, James – PR 4:192 Will Written, 16 February 1810, Proved 19 April 1810
Wife, Ruth Sons; George, James Jr. Daughters; Polly Wells, Nancy Noyes, Hannah Anthony. Grandsons; Isaac Champlin, James Wells Champlin. Grandaughter; Francis Noyes.
In his will James lists a clock that stands in his house and a desk. He leaves James Jr. all his carpenter tools.
WELLS, James, Cpt. – PR 6:243 Administration, 11 May 1835, Elnathan W. Babcock to be
Guardian to Ann Maria Wells (under 14 years). Widow, Ann Wells. George Wells
appointed Administrator. Inventory PR 6:244, appraisers, Daniel Babcock, Daniel L.
Langworthy, Isaac Cundall. TC 7:102, 25 June 1844, In Newport, Ann M. Wells settled
with her Guardian Elnathan W. Babcock for her portion of her father’s estate at $1,931.66.
WELLS, John – PR 6:201, 19 May 1834, Administration brought forward by widow, Phebe Wells.
Guardianship of minor children, Denison, Albert, Samuel B. and Rebecca C. Wells, accepted
by their brother, Benjamin F. Wells. (brother relationship stated PR 6:208) Inventory PR
6:202, 21 May 1834, appraisers; Rowland Babcock, Daniel L. Langworthy, George W. Holdrege.
TC 7:90, 4 March 1844, An application presented by the heirs and widow to set off the widow’s
dower and divide the rest of the estate between the heirs. TC 7:95, 1 April 1844, map of property
and new deed written.
WELLS, Jonathan – PR 2:229 Will written 5 March 1772, proved 4 April 1785
Wife, Rebecca Sons, Elnathan, Jonathan Jr.
Witnesses: Ethan Clarke, Paul Clarke, Joshua Clarke
PR 4:126 – 25 October 1807 Inventory, Appraisers, Randall Wells, William Tanner, Joseph
Spicer. Receipts PR: 204, 4 March 1811
WELLS, Joshua – TC 2:120, 1 September 1783. Information made to the Town Council that Joshua Wells and his wife Elizabeth are in such a practice or habit of drinking spiritous liquor and omitting their business that they are likely to become chargeable to the town. Cpt. Henry Wells and Thomas Wells Esq. appointed as Guardians.
WELLS, Joshua – TC 3:47, 5 May 1794, Voted that Oliver Davis be appointed Guardian to Joshua Wells Jr., son to Capt. Joshua Wells.
WELLS, Joshua Jr. – TC 3:59, 6 April 1795, Whereas Joshua Wells (son to Joshua Wells Sen of Hopkinton)
Is possessed of a real estate lying in Hopkinton & whereas we conceive a danger of said estate being dissolved to disadvantage. Joseph Witter Jr. and Oliver Davis appointed Guardians.
WELLS, Joseph – PR 1:58 Inventory – 8 September 1763, – TC 1:46, 2nd set pgs. 22 August 1763,
wife Thankful named as Administratrix
TC 1:127 – (2nd set pgs.) – 6 March 1769 – Agreement between Guardian Samuel Tifft and Edward Lillibridge (2nd husband) providing for the minor children.
Receipts PR 2:215 6 September 1784
Heirs received 82 pounds from Guardian Samuel Tifft; Benjamin and Mary Hoxsie (her father being Joseph Wells) 21 June 1779, Samuel Wells, 28 June 1784, Joseph Wells, 23 November 177(4?), Marcy Wells, 24 March 1779, Thankful Wells.
WELLS, Joshua – TC 2:259, 17 October 1786 – Voted that Thomas Wells be cited to forth with appear before this Council in order to give an account of his Guardianship in the case of his brother, Joshua Wells. TC 2:260, Thomas Wells appeared and requests for himself and his son, Cpt. Henry Wells to resign from their Guardianship. They were discharged.
WELLS, Joshua – TC 2:314, 8 March 1790, Joshua Wells requests that Samuel Wells and Phineas Edwards be appointed to him and his son Joshua.
WELLS, Oliver – TC 7:39 –25 October 1841, Guardianship for minor children all under the age of fourteen. Calvin, Mary and Horace Wells are placed under the Guardianship of Russell Wells.
WELLS, Randall – PR 5:168 Will written 2 July 1821, proved 5 November 1821
Daughter, Sylvia wife of Joseph. Sons; Randall, Harris, Thomas V., Russell, Barton.
Grandson, Randall s/o Barton Wells. Granddaughter, Sylvia d/o Russell Wells.
Witnesses: Benjamin Green, Caleb Maxson, Christopher Lewis.
WELLS, Randall – PR 7:107, Administration opened 25 October 1841, William R. Wells appointed
Administrator. Inventory PR 7:107 1 February 1842, appraisers; Christopher Chester, Russell Wells, Samuel Crandall Jr. Claims against the Estate PR 7:167, 1 June 1842.
Bills, to P. Stillman $1.00 for digging the grave, to Christopher Chester for coffin, $3.75.
WELLS, Samuel – PR 3:243 Inventory – 5 July 1802 Appraisers: Nathan Potter, Rogers Kinyon,
Jesse Maxson. PR 4:24 July 1802, one bill for $12.25 for Dr. John Aldrich; PR 4:19, Administrator states personal estate not sufficient to cover debts, must sell almost all real estate. PR 4:40 Receipts; 2 July 1804 Administrator – Daniel Babcock *mentions Barton Wells. PR 4:134 Receipts, 7 March 1808. PR 4:156 2 January 1809, 4 acres of land to be sold at Public Auction.
WELLS, Sarah – TC 1:48 – 12 January 1761 – Guardianship, Jonathan Wells appointed Guardian.
PR 2:10 Inventory – 4 March 1771
Called “Poor of the Town” Inventory consisted of few items of clothing.
Appraisers – Thomas Wells Jr., Edward Wells. Also mentioned in Town Council Minutes Book 1:48, 12 January 1761 as a “single woman…not fit to take care of herself.” TC 1:56 (2nd set pgs) 19 January 1764 – “In keeping and defending said estate, a great part of said estate is already spent and as said Sarah Wells is not of capacity to take care of herself or estate or maintain her self and when said estate is expended there will unavoidably be an expense on the town for her support therefore it is the opinion of this council that a Town
Meeting be called in order to secure said estate for the town and the Town Clerk is to grant a warrant to call Town of Hopkinton together the 26th at 12:00 for the said purpose.” TC 1:64 (2nd set pages) – 24 July 1764 – Jonathan Wells appeared before the council and has sundry times before and desired to be discharged from said guardianship but the council does not agree said Wells until said affair be settled. TC 1:77 (second set of pgs) – 11 March 1765 Whereas Jonathan Wells, guardian to Sarah Wells, made it appear to this council that he had expended all her money in keeping Sarah Wells, he is discharged from his guardianship. TC 1:89, (2nd set of pgs.) 11 February 1766, “Voted that Benjamin Barber and Nathan Burdick go to the widow Elizabeth Wells and inquire whether Sarah Wells has any estate or not. TC 1:97 (2nd set pgs) 1 July 1766, That James Rhodes Esq. he is hereby appointed to carry on the suit at law in the affair of Sarah Wells on behalf of the town. TC 1:102 (2nd set pgs.) 23 December 1766. That the widow Elizabeth Wells have 39L/14s old tenor for keeping Sarah Wells for 15 weeks and 2 days. Sarah is then sent to Thomas Wilbur’s house to be taken care of. TC 1:102 (2nd set pgs.) 3 February 1767 – James Rhodes Esq. charged the Town for his time and expense in the affair of Sarah Wells who was thrown upon the Town by Elizabeth Wells. TC 1:104 (2nd set pgs.) 7 April 1767 – Thomas Wilbur charges 31L/10s for keeping Sarah Wells 15 weeks and for physick(?) and bleeding. (bleeding was a procedure Doctors used to clear the body of diseases) TC 1:110 – 21 September 1767 – Thomas Wilbur was paid 48 lbs. Old Tenor for keeping Sarah Wells 24 weeks. TC 1:117 (2nd set pgs.) Paid David Maxson for citing Thomas Wells and Edward Wells to appear at County Court in the affair of Sarah Wells. (there was no continuation of what happened) TC 1:126 – (2nd set pgs.) – 9 February 1769 Jedediah Davis was paid 89 pounds for keeping Sarah for 42 weeks and finding one pair of shoes for her. TC 1:127 – (2nd set pgs.) – 6 March 1769 – That John Robinson Jr. have the sum of 19 shillings and sixpence for keeping Sarah the last three months. TC 1:131 (2nd set pgs.) – 5 June 1769 – Voted that Thomas Wells 3rd have an order for 3/0 for summoning evidence in the case of Sarah Wells and the Town. TC 1:150 (2nd set pgs.) 24 September 1770, Voted John Robinson Jr have one pound six shillings for keeping Sarah Wells until the 3rd of September 1770. TC 2:2, 3 December 1770, John Robinson Jr. paid to keep Sarah Wells 13 weeks up to this time, mending and given her clothes. TC 2:4, 7 January 1771, John Robinson Jr. paid 2/7/2 for keeping Sarah Wells in her last sickness finding watchers and nursing. TC 2:5 4 February 1771, Thomas Wilbur paid for doctoring Sarah in her last sickness. TC 7:7, 6 May 1771, Capt. Edward Wells paid 1/13/0 for keeping Sarah Wells, one of the Poor to pay a Doctor. Voted that John Robinson Jr. be Administrator for the Estate of Sarah Wells.
WELLS, Thomas – TC 1:85 – (2nd set pgs) 18 November 1765 – Guardianship – Whereas Thomas Wells of Hopkinton is so given to __?__ that he drinks too much and is likely to spend his estate and trouble his family. Thomas Wilbur appointed Guardian. Guardianship is dismissed 1 April 1766, TC 1:91 (2nd set of pgs.)
WELLS, Thomas – PR 3:92 written 5 October 1778, proved 7 November 1796
In the first paragraph, Thomas states he is 56 years old.
Wife, Sarah. Four sons, Thompson, Henry, Thomas & Amos. Four daughters, Lois Lewis, Sarah Lewis, Eunice Rathbun, Phebe Wells.
Witnesses: Abel Tanner, Rouse Babcock, Amos Coon.
Inventory: PR 3:94 6 October 1796
WELLS, Thomas – PR 6:12 written 14 March 1827, proved 1 June 1829
Wife, Mary. Six daughters; Mary Wells, Betsey Perry, Sally Palmer, Harriet Wells, Charlotte Stillman, Julianna Wells. Four sons; Thomas Robinson, John, Henry Manning and Amos Russell, Amos R. is not to take any advantage of by or of a deed I gave him of a part of the church lot, so called in order to make him a voter or freeman. Codicil; PR 6:15, 28 March 1828, He leaves any single daughters shares in the “Hopkinton
Turnpike Company”
WELLS, Thomas P. – TC 6:95, 27 October 1836, Thomas appointed Guardian to his two children, Thomas Clark Wells and Francis Elizabeth.
WELLS, Thomas V. – PR 8:234 5 January 1852 Administration
Charles Noyes appointed Administrator. Inventory PR 8:235, 13 January 1852
Appraisers: Jesse Brown, Oliver Cole, Benjamin Green.
Mentions wife Susan (she is the second wife) and children Thomas V. and Mary E. Wells, both under 21, Luther Palmer to be Guardian of minors.
WELLS, Thompson – PR 4:200 written 10 May 1810, proved 4 March 1811
Wife; Phebe Daughters; Rhode Holmes, Sarah Fuller, Lois Wells, Elizabeth Wells, Phebe Wells, Eunice
Wells, Matilda Wells, Clarecy Wells. The last five named daughters to support their sister, Elizabeth. Lucy Wells, Nabby (Abigail) Wells. Daughter-in-law, Amy Babcock. Sons; Palmer Wells, two youngest sons, Joseph T. Wells, Elnathan C. Wells
Two hundred dollars to be given towards Elizabeth’s support.
Witnesses; Nathan Potter, Thomas W. Potter, Henry Potter
PR 4:218 – 26 August 1811, Claims against the Estate. Receipts PR 4:271, 6 February 1815.
WHITE, Job – TC 1:133 (2nd set pgs.), 9 August 1769, Wife – Ann, named administratrix.
PR 2:18 Receipts presented 1 June 1772.
WHITE, Jonathan – TC 5:33, 1 October 1821, Whereas Jonathan White (a revolutionary war pensioner) is squandering his money and that his wife is in danger of coming to want. Wherefore Jeremiah Thurston is appointed Guardian of the person and estate.
WHITE, Mary – PR 4:235 Inventory, 7 September 1812 Appraisers; James Wells, Josiah Witter Jr.
Daniel Lewis Jr.
WHITE, Oliver – PR 2:36 Receipts presented 10 April 1791
From Administrator Cpt. Walter White for his father Oliver. Wife: Mary White
Listed: Christopher White, Godfrey White, Susannah White, Oliver Davis “for his wife” Clark Wilbur “for his wife,” and John Maxson “for his wife”
Inventory: PR 2:291, 14 April 1791 Appraisers; Cpt. Samuel Babcock, Joseph Witter Jr.
Receipts PR 3:18, 22 October 1791 PR 3:23 3 June 1793 PR 3:54 28 January 1794
Receipts PR 4:98, 5 January 1807 from Walter, Oliver, Godfrey White and William G. Green.
WHITE, Oliver 2nd – PR 2:197 Written 24 April 1782, proved 29 April 1782
Wife, Judeth
Witnesses: Cpt. John Coon, John Maxson, Miss Lucy Palmer
Inventory: PR 2:291 14 April 1791 Appraisers; Samuel Babcock, Joseph Witter
WHITE, Roger – TC 3:95, 6 March 1797, Whereas complaint is made to this Council that Mr. Roger White is possessed of a considerable estate and being an aged person & his mental abilities being much decayed through bodily infirmity and old age and he is apparently inclined to action of such a kind in such manner, that it is conceived that his estate is endangered of being dissolved. It is Voted that Daniel White is appointed Guardian.
WHITE, Roger – PR 4:1 Inventory 17 June 1802 Appraisers; Randall Wells, Jesse Maxson, Josiah
Witter. PR 4:31 Receipts for settling estate, 6 September 1802, Receipts PR 4:54 14 January 1805
TC 4:26, 5 September 1803; Whereas a Petition was referred to this Court by Jonathan White, William White and others, that the Letters of Administration granted to Daniel White Esq., be revoked and that they be granted to some other suitable, just and honest person.
WHITE, Walter Ellery – TC 4:106, 22 July 1807, It is represented to this Council that Walter Ellery White has conducted himself in such a manner, whereby his estate is in danger of being squandered away, and bringing his family to want. Jeremiah Thurston is appointed Guardian. TC 4:124, 26 December 1808, Information has come to this Council that Dorcas White (relict of Walter Ellery White, deceased) is incapacitated and cannot take care of her estate. Her brother, Luke Babcock, is appointed her guardian.
WHITE, William – Cpt. PR 2:166 Will written 10 February 1781, proved 7 May 1781
Wife: Ruth Son: William (under age 21)
Note: leaves his silver shoe buckles, kneebuckles, sleeve buttons which are stone set in silver, a jacket, pare of breaches, both being of flower dammas & one pare of cotton stockings.
Witnesses: William Harvey, Anne Harvey, Abel Tanner
Inventory – PR 2:188 4 May 1781
“Information of lent money at Nantucket & one chest on board of a vessel with sundry articles in it & large account of losses by a vessel & cargo cleared out before the war commenced which was delivered to Doctor Joshua Babcock not likely to be got.” 1774
Appraisers – Abel Tanner, Oliver Davis
WHITTLESEA, Nathan and James – TC 2:152, 1 March 1785. Rozwell Smith of Stonington asks for an Administration for the above two men. James was son to Nathan. The two men were soldiers in the Rhode Island Continental Regiment and are late deceased.
WILBUR, Clarke – PR 3:131 Inventory taken 29 March 1798.
Administrators, Oliver Davis, William Wilbur. Appraisers, Joseph Witter Jr., Thomas Wells
Receipts PR 3:152 3 December 1798 (Doctor John Aldrich paid 16 pounds)
Receipts PR 3:169 5 August 1799; PR 3:177 3 February 1800, PR 3:200 2 February 1801
mentions Mary White who received $24.00 and mentions the “widow Wilbur.”
*A itemized bill from Doctor William Wilbur – 5 August 1799 PR 3:170
Receipts PR 3:225 2 August 1802 “On record that Sarah Wilbur, widow, and Meribah Wilbur
have received more than their share in proportion to the other heirs, but they have refunded back…
the widow’s share is $184.84 and the four children’s, namely Edith Lewis, Meribah Wilbur, Betsey Wilbur and Clarke Wilbur shares is $92.47.” received 1 July 1802; PR 4:28 7 November 1803
WILBUR, Clarke – PR 4:222 – 27 April 1811, Receipt of money he received from his guardian,
Isaac Wilbur.
WILBUR, George W. – PR 7:99 – Administration, 25 October 1841, Administrator Jesse Wilbur Jr.
Widow, Susan. Inventory PR 7:100, 26 October 1841, Appraisers; William B. Hoxsie, Noyes W. Kinyon, Fones G. Wilbur. TC 7:47, 5 April 1842, Susan Wilbur appointed Guardian of the persons and estates of Abby Ann Wilbur, Thankful Maria Wilbur and George Edwin Wilbur.
WILBUR, Gideon – PR 3:223 Will written 6 February 1802, proved 5 April 1802
Wife,Hannah. Daughters Lydia, Hannah, Dorcas. Brother-in-law Peleg Babcock.
Witnesses; Woodman Wilbur, John Wilbur, Sarah Wilbur.
Inventory: PR 3:224 1 April 1802 Appraisers; Oliver Davis, William Wilbur, Job B. Clarke.
PR 4:97 – Discharges 5 January 1807
WILBUR, Hannah PR 8:208 written 2 November 1836, proved 7 July 1851
States she is a widow.
Daughters, Lydia Bentley, Hannah Bentley, Dorcas Wilbur. Granddaughter, Mary Ann Bentley.
Witnesses: Christopher C. Lewis, Elnathan W. Babcock, Lucy M. Babcock.
WILBUR, Isaac – PR 5:299, 13 February 1826, Administration. John and Gideon Wilbur are appointed Administrators. PR 5:300, 17 March 1826, Inventory. Appraisers; William Tanner, Jeremiah Thurston, Ethan Foster.
WILBUR, John – PR 9:207 will written 13 May 1839 proved 6 January 1857
Wife, Lydia. Children: Thomas Wilbur, Amos C. Wilbur, Phebe Foster, Susan C. Wilbur, Sarah S. Kenyon, Mary W. Hazard, John Wilbur, William Wilbur, Anna Foster and Elizabeth Wilbur.
Witnesses; Thankful Kenyon, Caroline Kenyon, Isaac C. Kenyon.
WILBUR, Thomas – PR 3:72 will written 20 May 1792, proved 6 June 1796
*Land Description Had two wives, last being Mary, and children by both. Son, Woodman, Gideon, Clark,
Thomas, William, Isaac, John. (last two under 21) Daughters, Elizabeth Hoxsie, Mary Collins.
Witnesses; Andrew Nichols, Amos Collins, Joseph Collins
WILBUR, Thomas – PR 3:213 Will written, 4 May 1801, proved 5 October 1801
Wife, Sarah. Brothers, William, Isaac, John. Sister, Mary Collins.
Thomas leaves his carpenter tools.
Witnesses; Thompson Wells, Thomas R. Wells, Thomas Wells
WILBUR, William (Dr.) PR 5:135 Administration 19 April 1821
Administrators, Isaac Wilbur and William Wilbur.
Inventory PR 5:136, 7 May 1821 Estate represented as Insolvent.
Meeting on 12 November 1821 at the widow, Anna Wilbur’s house.
PR 5:145, 2 January 1826, Ethan Foster replaced Isaac Wilbur as Administrator, as Isaac Wilbur has died.
WILBUR, Woodman PR 5:282 Will written 9 April 1799, proved 15 August 1825
Daughter, Esther Wilbur. After her decease his property is to go to the “Quakers belonging to the South Kingstown Monthly Meeting.”
His brother, Thomas Wilbur, named Executor in will. Thomas having deceased, Isaac Wilbur is appointed
on 3 October 1825, to administer the estate. By the 2nd of January 1826, Isaac had deceased and John Wilbur was appointed.
Witnesses; William Wilbur, Isaac Wilbur, John Wilbur.
WILCOX, Asa Gates – TC 7:38, 25 October 1841, Administration. Nathan Wilcox appears before
the Council to authorize him to sell the real estate of his son.
WILCOX, George – PR 1:43 Will written 3 May 1760, Will proved (date unlisted) brought before
the Town Council [TC Book 1:52] on 9 March 1761
Wife – Margarit Sons: George, Jeremiah, Matthew, Hazard
Daughters : “2 eldest,” Mary Tanner, Mercy Tanner, “4 youngest” Margarit, Hannah, Marvel, Theoda.
Witnesses: Mary Richmond, Content Richmond, Stephen Richmond
Inventory: PR 1: 44 – 9 March 1761
WILCOX, Henry – PR 2:206 Inventory taken 5 July 1783
Wife – Dorcas (Administratrix)
Appraisers: John Brown, Deacon William Petty
Receipts: PR 2:214 & 224
*Map of division of land PR 3:159, recorded 9 May 1799. Divided between heirs,
unnamed widow, Deborah Fenner, (wife of Roswell Fenner) Polly Wilcox and Lucinda Wilcox.
WILCOX, Lucinda – TC 3:140, 4 March 1799, Aaron Davis to be Guardian to Lucinda.
WILCOX, Mary – PR 6:172 Administration, 10 June 1833. David R. Kenyon appointed
Administrator. PR 6:173 Inventory, 21 June 1833, Appraisers; Gorton Arnold, Edward Barber, Nathan Wilcox. Mr. Kenyon deems estate insolvent, 15 July 1833. David R. Kenyon is deceased by 2 December 1833 and David Kenyon of Richmond is appointed in his place.
WILCOX, Polly – TC 3:142, 1 April 1799, Aaron Davis to be Guardian to Polly.
WITTER, John Jr. – TC 2:213, 3 January 1785, He is grandson to John Witter Esq of Hopkinton and made choice of Abel Tanner to be his Guardian.
WITTER, John – PR 3:27 written 5 March 1790, proved 7 November 1793
Wife, Anne. Son, Samuel. Daughters, Sarah Dewy.
Grandchildren; the children of my deceased son, John Witter; John, Holly and Anne.
Grandchildren; the children of my deceased daughter, Hannah Porter; Desire, Nathan, Phanny, John, Mary, Rebecca, Phineas.
Grandchildren; the children of my daughter Sarah Dewey, Sarah, Phanny, Tacy, Theda, David, Jabesh, Hannah.
Witnesses: Zebulon Weaver, Caleb Potter, Judith Potter, Mary Potter
Inventory PR 3:29, 15 October 1793
WITTER, Joseph – PR 3:154 written 25 February 1794, proved 11 February 1799
Wife, Sarah. Sons; Joseph, Josiah, William
Grandchildren; states 17, Sarah, Martha, Elizabeth, Mary, Welthy, William, Anna, Joseph, Phebe, the children of my son William Witter. Weeden, Susannah, Lois, Hannah, Joseph, Eunice, Josiah and Sarah, children of my son, Josiah. “The reason I give my granddaughter, Sarah, more than my other grandchildren, is because I adjudge her not so capable of getting a living as girls commonly are.”
Witnesses; Polly Potter, Thomas Potter, Caleb Potter.
Inventory PR 3:156 – 7 February 1799 Appraisers; Caleb Potter, Fones Palmer.
WITTER, Joseph – PR 6:93 written 18 January 1803, proved 22 February 1831
Brother, Josiah, he leaves “$120.00 towards making up for the loss he incurred while his father lived with Josiah and burnt his house.” To his brother Josiah’s son; Weeden, Joseph, Josiah Witter Jr. money and the equal division of his carpenter’s and joiner’s tools. To his brother Josiah’s daughters, Susannah Langworthy, Lois Witter, Hannah Witter, Eunice Taylor and Sarah Witter each $20.00. To my brother William Witter, $20.00. To his nine children; Sarah Witter, Martha Crandall, Elisabeth Witter, Polly Burdick, Wealthy Witter, William Witter Jr., Nancy Witter, Joseph Witter and Phebe Witter each $20.00.
Witnesses; Caleb Potter, Caleb Potter Jr., Clarke Potter.
At the Probate Court, 22 February 1831, the witnesses were deceased with the exception of Clarke Potter. The Executors were deceased, Josiah Witter and Amos Langworthy. Appointed as Administrators, Susannah Langworthy and Lois Witter.
WITTER, Josiah – PR 5:437 written 21 April 1818, proved 11 August 1828
Wife, Abigail. Daughter, Sarah Witter, Susannah Langworthy, Lois Witter, Hannah Taylor w/o Jonah Taylor, and deceased daughter Eunice Taylor. Son, Weeden, Joseph who is deceased to his heirs, Josiah Jr., Granddaughters Susannah and Harriet Taylor, daughters of my deceased daughter Eunice.
He “conveys his one half of the church pew which I own in the lower Seventh Day Baptist meeting house” to his family.
Witnesses; Joseph Lawton, Welthy Lewis, Christopher C. Lewis
WITTER, Lois – PR 8:10, written 5 January 1842, proved 24 November 1847
Brother Weeden Witter and his heirs, Clark Witter, Weeden Witter 2nd, Polly Spicer, Betsey Smith, Tacy Witter, Sophia Saunders, Josiah Witter and Squire P. Witter.
Sister Susannah Langworthy and Amos Langworthy, Josiah W. Langworthy, Joseph Langworthy;
Lois Ann Nichols; Susan Chester; Sister Hannah Taylor and Josiah Taylor; Brother Joseph Witter and his heirs, Mariah Witter, Russell Witter, Polly Witter and Eunice Witter. Sister Eunice Taylor and her heirs Harriet Taylor, Susan Taylor. Brother Josiah Witter and his son Albert Witter and Jedediah D. Witter. Sister Sarah Morgan.
Fifty dollars to the 1st Seventh Day Baptist Church in Hopkinton, Ten dollars to the 2nd Seventh Day Baptist in Hopkinton and Ten dollars to the 1st Seventh Day Baptist Church in Westerly.
Witnesses; Nathan K. Lewis, Eason Barber, Tyler Burdick.
Receipts, PR 8:14, 1 November 1852;
Weeden Witter’s heirs; Clarke Witter, Weeden Witter 2nd, Polly Chapins, Betsey Smith, Tacy (Bliven? Eliver?), Sophia Saunders, Josiah Witter of Brookfield, Squire P. Witter of Alleghany County.
Susannah Langworthy, Joseph Langworthy. Lois Ann Nichols. Susan Chester. Hannah Taylor, Josiah R. Taylor. Joseph Witter’s heirs; Maria Witter, Russell Witter, David M. Wilder, Eunice Root, Emily Witter. Eunice Taylor’s heirs; Susan Wilcox, Harriet Taylor. Josiah Witter. Albert Witter. Jedediah D. Witter.
WITTER, Sarah – TC 4:18, 6 June 1803
Sarah Witter, daughter of William Witter, chose John Wilbur as her Guardian.
WITTER, William – PR 4:329 Inventory – 11 November 1817
Receipts PR 4:329, various dates after the date of inventory, paid out by Isaac Wilbur, Guardian to William Witter.
WORDEN, Christopher – TC 5:109 , 1 December 1828, Voted and Resolved, that the clerk issue a notice to given for Christopher Worden to appear to make choice for a Guardian for himself or to show cause why one should not be appointed.
WORDEN, William – TC 2:315, 5 April 1789
Whereas it is reported to this Council that Deacon William Worden being an aged man, his and his natural faculties abated, his estate is likely to be squandered. Voted Benjamin Kinyon Jr be appointed Guardian.
TC 3:17, 6 August 1792, “Voted that a receipt or discharge from Nancy Worden be accepted as credit to the estate of Deacon William Worden, deceased.
WORDEN, William – PR 2:277 Will written 5 April 1789, proved 10 January 1791
Wife, Mary Sons, Ebenezer, William, Isaac, Benjamin, Nathaniel, Walter. Daughters, Sarah Kinyon, Nancy Worden
Executor, Benjamin Kinyon Jr.
Witnesses; Thomas Potter Gardner, Sarah Lewis, Samuel Maxson Jr.
Inventory- PR 2: ?? Appraisers; Elias Coon, Samuel Langworthy
Receipts: PR 3:5 2 January 1792, 2 April 1792, PR 3:7 4 June 1792 PR 3:10, PR 3:19.
WRIGHT, Daniel – PR 5:64, 2 August 1819, Administration, Benjamin C. Maxson appointed
PR 5:65 Inventory, Appraisers Edward Barber, Godfrey Arnold, Benjamin Kinyon, inventory submitted to court on 6 December 1819. Inventory given to the widow, Patience Wright. A Public Auction was held at the house of Stephen Wright on 30 December 1819. PR 5:69 – 15 February 1821, Administrator had to sell real estate to pay the debts of Mr. Wright. PR5:165 – 4 June 1821, Receipts, Creditors list and Public Auction of Real Estate.
WRIGHT, Roxsie – TC 7:141, 13 October 1845; Edward Barber, Overseer of the Poor, appointed Guardian of said person. TC 7:144, 5 January 1846, Edward Barber paid $11.01 for expenses for Roxsie Wright while sick. TC 7:192, 3 April 1847, Edward Barber, Guardian submits his account and it was accepted.